Lynn Johnston, talented cartoonist behind the strip For Better or For Worse, will be signing her new book at the Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa on November 7th, from 1 to 2 pm. Sounds like a great excuse to stop by the museum to me!
Note: This is here just to make sure the final newsletter ends up in the archives. This is it. The last email newsletter. After almost five years, no longer shall I be stuffing your email box with news about Peanuts books and other Schulz-related diversions. But fret not, for …
If you’re shopping through AAUGH and want to save a little extra money, here’s what you do: once you click through to an item’s description on Amazon, find that box marked A9 web search over on the left side of the page. Type anything into the field there, then click …
For those of you who enjoy the Peanuts statues that have blanketed St. Paul over the last few years: this was the last year for them. The booklet with the pictures of the statues is now available, although not from; you can only get it from Camp Snoopy. (As …
Coming up next April is the strip collection Woodstock: A Bird’s Eye View, from Ballantine Books.
Trick or Treat! A Peanuts Halloween is now availale for immediate shipment at a nice little discount. More than 100 Halloween-themed strips, plus recipes, costume ideas, and so on. And if that’s not too far in advance of a holiday for ya, you can also get the little gift book …
It’s still a year away, but you can already take a sneak peak at the cover of The Complete Peanuts Volume 4: 1957-1958
THE COMPLETE PEANUTS Volume 2, 1953-1954, hasn’t actually been released yet, but one of the advantages of being the guy is sometimes you lay hands on things a little early. The book is just what it sets out to be, covering all the strips from those two years, some …
This blog will cover news and reviews of books of Peanuts and Charles M. Schulz material, as well as related information of interest. It takes the place of the newsletter, which has been offering up such information for about five years now. Why the switch? Handling the newsletter had …
Yes, it’s been a fair while since the last newsletter, but I have been a busy boy. A lot of that effort has been being put into IT’S ONLY A GAME, the collection of Schulz’s never-before-in-a-book series of sports cartoons. Now this is a book that I can’t review impartially …