Coming in August is a book that Amazon calls The Peanuts Classics Treasury: The Complete “Happiness Is” Collection but which the publisher’s website refers to as Peanuts: A Treasury of Happiness. Presumably, this is a collection of all the content from Happiness is a Warm Puppy, Security is a Thumb …
I just received: The new paperback kids book adaptation of It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown. This one comes with a sheet of stickers, including 3 of Snoopy and 1 each of six other characters. It’s an okay adaptation as such things go; the even line weight and coloring used …
If any of the folks I talked to during my appearance at the Schulz Museum this weekend are reading this: hi! And thank you for dropping by! The appearance went well, and the folks at the museum were kindly and helpful. I got a chance to look at their current …
We’ve got some deals for you. Hardcover copies of Peanuts: The Art of Charles M. Schulz for 57% off the cover price. These are remaindered copies, and are likely to have a marker mark along the edge of the page. Oh Friend of Friends box set – not remaindered copies. …
Just a reminder that I will be the Cartoonist In Residence at the Schulz Museum from 1 to 3 PM this Saturday. That means mainly that I’ll be there, doing a little work on a project, and answering questions of anyone who feels like asking them. Since the current exhibition …
I realize that not all AAUGH Blog readers watched the Super Bowl. If you did, you probably know what I’m linking to. If not, trust me: as an AAUGH Blog reader, you want to see this ad.
At some point, I really should put together a pile of the various A Charlie Brown Christmas book adaptations and take a photo. Really, it is amusing to me, but then I’m easily amused. And I shall be amused again this fall, as Perseus Books/Running Press has announced the following …
The World War I Flying Ace hits the cover of The Complete Peanuts: 1969 to 1970, which doesn’t ship until October (it’s not the next volume, it’s the one after that.) And as long as we’re looking at covers, here’s the one for that Peanuts Sudoku Digest, with a bunch …
Here’s the first look at the covers of two more Peanuts books coming from Running Press Kids: It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie BrownWhere is Woodstock?And yes, that’s a small-parts-may-choke-toddlers warning on Where is Woodstock? (which should not be confused with 1988 Little Golden Book Where’s Woodstock?, but of course will …
Okay, you know all the Peanuts characters, right? You know the major folks, the minor folks, you can even tell 3 from 4, I’m sure. So here goes: So can you name the young gentleman on the right side of this panel, scanned here from Snoopy Swings Into Action, a …