In my post the other day showing Schulz biographies reusing the same cover photos, I left out this pair, one an upcoming book, the other from 2001: But hey, as long as we’re doing Schulz biography covers, let’s take a look at a better-designed one for an upcoming volume: This …
For those of you who got the great big two-volume set of Willie & Joe: The World War II Years by Snoopy’s pal Bill Mauldin, next year brings a treat: Willie & Joe: Back Home. This continues the reprint series with Mauldin’s work, and this volume looks at an interesting …
Today’s addition to the reference library (well, one of them, I don’t mention everything I get) is the souvenir booklet for the Japanese release of A Boy Named Charlie Brown. About 8 1/3″x 11 2/3″, this 20 page booklet has character descriptions, some text presumably on the plot and …
Sometimes, the news is just too weird, even for a comics fan. Now a mayor is accusing U.S. President Barack Obama of purposefully sabotaging A Charlie Brown Christmas. Good grief! In more grounded news, Peanuts video maven Scott McGuire points out that Warners has released a DVD of all the …
The latest addition to the reference library isn’t a book. Well, not yet. Instead, it’s a book kit, a big fabric panel with pages and instructions. With a little cutting and a little sewing, I can make my own soft book. Or, I suppose, a really weird-looking shirt. (And …
The other day’s post about the two similarly-covered upcoming Peanuts books reminded me to post this look at some of the biographies of Schulz that have been done, generally as part of sets of biographies meant to fill school library shelves: It’s understandable… there are only so many file photos …
Sunday, I asked the question of why this comic book is in the reference library: The answer is that back in 1950, Schulz had cut a deal to syndicate a comic strip about three kids and a dog… and he planned to name the dog “Sniffy”. Then he was …
The good news: ABC arranged to show A Charlie Brown Christmas twice this year! The bad news: Only one of the showings was scheduled to be the unedited version, the other to the version edited to fit into a modern half-hour slot. The further bad news: One of the showings …
I see a lot of Peanuts book covers, but it wasn’t until I was looking over my own recent blog posts that I noticed something about Everything I Need To Know I Learned From Peanuts (coming out next March) and My Life with Charlie Brown (coming out the month after …
I just added this book to the presumably-prestigious, yet under-organized, reference library. “But the infamous reference library is focused on Schulz and Peanuts!” I hear you cry. “What could this comic book have to do with that?” I’m actually curious how many folks know the answer – if …