I find it interesting how the whole nation embraces the wintery image of Christmas – including here in this southern California town where I live, and where there probably hasn’t been a half-inch of snow in the past century. Even folks who have always lived around here are putting plastic …
A couple of you have written me about something Starbucks is offering its customers – a set with an A Charlie Brown Christmas DVD and a CD of the music, in a trifold with a booklet. So for those of you who don’t have Starbucks nearby (yes, I can hear …
Well, now that we’re all done celebrating Beethoven’s birthday, it’s time to start preparing for the next major holiday, which is Christmas. And walking around the streets, I see that many folks are getting very Peanutsy in their decorations. I saw one house which at first I thought “hey, there’s …
The things AAUGH Blog readers order always fascinate me (to be clear: Amazon shows me what you order after clicking through here, but don’t show me who orders things, or even which different items were part of the same order.) There are, unsurprisingly, orders for things talked about on the …
Amazon has finally made it possible to make a gift of Kindle books to your friends – and that means not just friends who own Kindles, but also those who are reading Kindle books on their iPads, their PCs, their smartphones. With that in mind, I’ve decided to slash the …
The hour-long Peanuts special I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown airs in the US on ABC tonight, and then again on Saturday – which will be a rerun about Rerun! My posting about the Peanuts pillow book generated enough orders that I thought there might be a general …
If you’ve read The Peanuts Collection, you’ll have seen the reproduction of a Schroeder Christmas card which had been given out by a member of the You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown cast decades back – bearing a drawing created just for his use by Schulz. Well, that piece of …
There are a few catalogs of Peanuts items in the AAUGH.com reference library – mailed catalogs from Peanuts specialty sources, some book format catalogs of Japanese items, all with tempting things to order. I’ve recently added a catalog of items that I could not actually get, at least not through …
The other day, a copy of The Parables of Peanuts, Robert Short’s follow-up to his best-selling The Gospel According to Peanuts, arrived in my mailbox. Now, I already have a copy or two of this in AAUGH.com reference library, but not this edition; this is the leather-covered, gilt-edge version. This …
I wonder what it was like to be working your way through the college textbook Fundamentals of Physics, eight hundred and some pages of very tiny and dry-looking type, when you get to the problem set for chapter 8 (“Conservation of Linear Momentum”) and see there on page 150 the …