The folks behind the new DVD Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown had a difficult assignment, and they did a strong job with it – it’s not some sort of out-of-the-ballpark homerun where you’ll forget about the great Peanuts specials of the past… but it’s better than a lot …
Those of you in the San Francisco Bay area can head over to WonderCon, which in my experience is a fairly good comics convention (I shan’t be there this year, though.) And if you’re there on Saturday, you can stop by the Boom Studios booth and buy yourself one of …
The new special Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown hits stores tomorrow, and Amazon is already shipping some copies (knowing they’ll take more than a day to arrive). But at the moment, they’re also offering some tempting prices on other Peanuts animated disks: You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown …
For a while I’ve been keeping an eye on an upcoming book from Ravette Publishing in the UK. Ravette, who have been publishing Peanuts books for a long time, are a bit tough to track – they don’t even have a website that I can find. But the UK branch …
Here is a look at the third Wendy’s book (in order of finding, not in the order of them being issued), courtesy of AAUGH Blog reader Bill: It is copyright 2011, and it does credit Peanuts ownership to United Feature Syndicate. The UFS credit and the simpler bag design – …
AAUGH Blog reader Bill dropped a note that he dropped by his local Wendy’s in Colorado and scored not one, not two, but three different Peanuts board books! The first two are the volumes discussed earlier; the third one, All About Me, bears the United Feature Syndicate copyright on it, …
We interrupt this run of posts on fast food board books with these breaking news: The cover to The Complete Peanuts volume 16, shipping this fall, will look like this: We return you now to our usual nattering. (And yes, there is another post about board books on the way, …
The helpful Joanne has sent along scans of The World Famous Snoopy, and yes indeed, the back cover does still carry the old copyright information. The book does, however, have a 2011 copyright date, so it cannot be too old; this isn’t some volume left over from that month last …
Upon seeing my post yesterday about a possible kids board book at the Wendy’s fast food chain, AAUGH Blog reader Joanne dropped me a note to let me know that indeed, Wendy’s had a board book. She’d gotten one a couple weeks back, entitled World Famous Snoopy, showcasing Snoopy in …
As the AAUGH Blogger, I find out about new and upcoming Peanuts books through a variety of sources. Sometimes publishers let me know what’s going on, sometimes it’s research finding out what’s in the new catalogs, sometimes a blog reader will tip me off to something new, and sometimes is …