And now AAUGH Blog reader Ben is telling me that he’s been in contact with Amazon, and they say that the listing of devices for the free Peanuts book is in error; it won’t work with Cloud Reader, it will only work with certain Kindle models (Touch and Fire HD), …
When I said of the free Kindle edition of It’s a Dog’s Life, Snoopy that “you don’t need a Kindle device to read it; there are Kindle programs for most computers, for the iPad and other tablets, etc.“, I was only partly, fuzzily right. This book, while readable by the …
The strip collection It’s a Dog’s Life, Snoopy is free right now (one of a few Peanuts books that just showed up on Kindle.) You don’t need a Kindle device to read it; there are Kindle programs for most computers, for the iPad and other tablets, etc. Note: When I …
AAUGH Blog reader Steve pointed me toward an Entertainment Weekly article that indicated that the upcoming Peanuts movie will effectively have one foot in the modern era and one in tradition. The modern aspect is that the film will be released in 3-D; the traditional is that it will be …
No, I don’t get to host a preview of the new issue here, but that’s because MTV Geek has the exclusive preview of it… and in this case, the story they run is the one that I helped Lex Fajardo write.
Yup. This is an alternate covered version of issue 9. 500 copies are available. The cover art is by Mike Kunkel, of Herobear & The Kid fame… In fact, that looks like Herobear flying at the bottom of the image. I only wrote half a story in this issue; the …
Word has come out that Kim Thompson, long a key player at Fantagraphics Books and most relevant to this blog the editor of The Complete Peanuts series, has passed away from lung cancer. I first met Kim a couple decades back, at a private game of Five Card Nancy during …
If you liked that six-second Peanuts video from the other day, here’s the six-second making-of video. (Folks receiving this via email should click on the title in order to go to the blog on the web to view it.)
To answer some questions I’ve gotten: yes, I will be at Comic Con in San Diego next month, but only on Friday. And yes, I will be on a Peanuts-related panel. Details when details are released.