The board book My First Peanuts ABC is shipping now. It is a journey through our much-beloved alphabet, each page focusing on words starting with one letter (with X, Y, and Z dumped together on a single page.) The pictures are happy, the text is very Peanuts-oriented… and sometimes better suited …
To stave off any questions about the movie: no, I haven’t seen it. I’ve only seen a minute or two of footage that was not in any of the standard promo material. I was not asked to the premiere this weekend (never been to any film premiere, really; one can live …
Well, I’m back from the dedication of Snoopy’s new star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame – he’s got a spot on the sidewalk about a block down from the famous Chinese Theater, and right by Schulz’s star (which is the only one I’d ever gone to the dedication of …
Here’s the cover to for May’s Ready-to-Read storybook Peppermint Patty Goes to Camp. You know, I like books that are Ready-to-Read, just like a like foods that are Ready-to-Eat. I hate to have to do twenty minutes of preparation before a book can be read, so shipping them Ready-to-Read is …
Here’s the planned cover for Snoopy for President!, a storybook scheduled for July 5th of next year in which Linus and Pigpen are challenging each other for the class presidency, only to find that a certain beagle is coming in as a spoiler!
I’ve seen Peanuts products for plenty of holidays, but this fabric I found on the Joann Fabric website is the first Day of the Dead celebratory material I’ve seen. (At least, I assume that’s what it’s for; it’s outside my cultural specialty.)
Coming up on Monday, at 11:30, Snoopy is getting recognized the way that Hollywood has done for a couple thousand folks before him (including several dogs): he’s getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. I’m gonna try to be there (the scheduling may be a little tricky.) If you …
And, speaking of Schulz and his religious beliefs, here’s a nice article on a Mormon website regarding how he dealt with it when someone close to him chose a different religious path. It includes a couple of personal cartoons that I have not seen before.
Those of you who were entertained or moved by the Abraham J. Twerski self-help books that use Peanuts strips to illustrate points, such as When Do the Good Things Start? and Brothers and Sisters, It’s All Relative may be interested in this Tablet magazine article “How a Prolific Rabbi Found Inspiration in Hasidic Teaching—and …
Here’s an obviously unscripted, somewhat frentic video of me showing off my new book, The Snoopy Treasures, coming out in November and available for preordering here! (If you’re reading the blog through email, you’ll probably have to click through to the website for the video.)