Sorry I’ve been letting the rest of life get in the way of my blogging lately. I’ve had much of general reality to handle… with a thing or two for the Peanuts fans that I’ll tell you about eventually. Anyway, the fall solicitations have been showing up, with some upcoming Peanuts …
I’ve got some catching up to do as this fall’s book solicitations hit the system. A number of things need to be logged’n’blogged, and life is pretty full at the moment, but I wanted to get right to pointing out that you can now preorder The Complete Peanuts volume 26: Comics …
The whirlybeagle on the cover of the new level-two kids book Happy Valentine’s Day, Charlie Brown is misleading – there is no whirlybeagle on the inside. Instead, it’s a tale of Valentine’s Day, of Charlie Brown making a card for the Little Red Haired Girl and of others making cards or …
Little Patriot Press, the branch of conservative publisher Regenery that had been publishing historically-linked Peanuts Great American Adventure books is showing signs that cause concern. Amazon just emailed me to say that they couldn’t get their hands on thew new volume that was supposed to be out, I Declare, Charlie Brown. …
The one-and-only D. D. Degg pointed me toward this obituary for cartoonist Linus Maurer, who passed away earlier this week at the age of 90. Mr. Maurer was, of course, the person whose name Schulz nicked when giving Lucy a baby brother (and I always thought it was a great …
This is the latest addition to my Peanuts book collection, and one of the more expensive items I’ve purchased. Some of you who have been reading for years or who were there at my presentation at Beaglefest a few years back might recognize what this is, but there are probably …
So I got my copy of Comics Squad: Lunch!, the comics anthology with a new Peanuts story in it. And while the creative line-up and samples seen in Amazon’s Look Inside The Book feature made it seem interesting, the printed volume turns out to have one major change from the version …
AAUGH Blog reader Mary joyfully showed me the book edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas that she had just gotten… and it’s one that I don’t have yet! Even worse, it’s one I’m not sure that I’ll be able to get! Jul med Knøttene comes to us from Norway. Well, it came …
I’m doing something here that I’ve long avoided doing on this blog, and that’s discussing my religious background and beliefs. This is not a comfortable thing for me, for I know that I am out of step with a large portion of my readership, and I don’t know how some …
So, you’re going to be snowed in all weekend with nothing to do? Well, you can spend the weekend reading the first five pages of issue 30 of the Peanuts comic book, which doesn’t hit comic shops until Wednesday. And you’ll have time to read them again and again and again! …