Schulz/Peanuts news

Civic Peanuts: Erecting and Electing

Out in Needles, California, they’ve gotten licensing approval to put up a statue of Spike, Snoopy’s brother and the town’s most famous resident, in front of their new Chamber Of Commerce. But that’s nothing compared to what they may be putting up in Tennessee, where the Democratic nominee for governor …

Schulz/Peanuts news

Snoopy in a hit movie

I just got back from seeing Guardians of the Galaxy, and can point out that among the many details slammed into the film, Snoopy makes an appearance in one small way. The opening scene is set in a hospital, and on a patient’s bedside table, a greeting card with Snoopy atop …

Schulz/Peanuts news

Schulz collaborator Bill Adler passes away

I’m a few months late on this – discovered it while doing a related websearch – but the New York Times reports the death of Bill Adler,  at 84. Mr Adler was the author of best-selling books (and plenty of other books, thanks to his rate of peppering the market with material; I remember …

Schulz/Peanuts news

Peanuts panel at Comic-Con

The folks behind San Diego’s famed Comic-Con have announced the first day of panels, and there is a Peanuts panel. Sounds like it could be interesting; Peanuts and Seth Green are to me two great tastes that I am not certain will go well together, but I’m more than willing to try …

Schulz/Peanuts news

Peanuts at Comic-Con

There will once again be an official Peanuts booth (#1637) at the famed San Diego Comic-Con, which is coming up in a few weeks (July 23-27, to be precise)… although if you’re thinking about going, you are months too late, tickets are long since sold out. The booth will once …

Schulz/Peanuts news

Robert Pope signing

Hey, this Friday at the Schulz Museum, Peanuts comic book artist Robert Pope will be signing comic books and doing sketches.  Robert did a beautiful job drawing a couple of my scripts – the New Shoe Zoom one in issue 16, and the one where Sally really does not want …

Schulz/Peanuts news

No Schulz fan’s collection is complete without this

Charles Schulz’ former Minneapolis home for sale. $850,000, and they’ll probably be removing the two Schulz Peanuts paintings (click forward to photo 2) before you buy it, so… I think I’ll pass, myself.

Schulz/Peanuts news

Absolutely Filthy returns

For those of you who missed Absolutely Filthy, the play I praised that dealt with the Peanuts characters as grown-ups, it’s going on again, but just for a weekend this June, in Costa Mesa, CA. If you happen to be in the area at the time, I recommend it.

Schulz/Peanuts news

What’s slightly amusing me at the moment

Peanuts buffs are likely aware of Creative Associates, which is the Charles Schulz studio operation that generates material and approves licensed goods. I’ve only just now for the first time heard about Creative Associates International., an unrelated global services organization that has sometimes been accused of being a CIA front. …

Schulz/Peanuts news

Peanuts stamp a-comin’

According to supposed-to-be-secret documents grabbed up by the Washington Post, the US Postal Service has a Peanuts stamp in development for 2015. That year has, I feel, a little extra clue to the likely content. Yes, it’s the year that the movie comes out (and the post office has seemed …