Schulz/Peanuts news

More on Harriet Glickman

Jean Schulz and Schulz Museum director Karen Johnson have posted their memories of Harriet Glickman, the woman who suggested to Schulz that he add an African American to the cast. And here you’ll find the interview I did with her for the podcast, recorded in the same home where she’d …


Harriet Glickman, 1926-2020

Harriet Glickman, the woman who had suggested to Charles Schulz that he add an African-American character to the strip and thus inspired the creation of Franklin, passed away this morning. Her death was peaceful, in her sleep, and she had been well prepared for this. I got to know Harriet …

Schulz/Peanuts news

Snoopy in space again

There’s a Snoopy in space right now! #AstronautSnoopy is floating in the Thanksgiving Day Parade and in space! Watch him aboard the @Space_Station with @nasa Astronauts @Astro_Christina and @Astro_Jessica. — PEANUTS (@Snoopy) November 28, 2019 (If you’re getting this through email and can’t play the video, click here.)

Schulz/Peanuts news


Astronaut Snoopy shall fly today!!

Schulz/Peanuts news

Will Astronaut Snoopy be grounded?

Due to predicted high winds in New York, parade organizers are waiting until tomorrow morning to decide whether the new Astronaut Snoopy balloon, as well as all the other balloons, will take part in Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. It would be a shame to waste a good balloon. If they can’t …

New releases

Space Snoopy

Folks are bopping around article links to a statement that “Snoopy”, the module from Apollo X that was discarded into space, may have been located by investigators who were looking for it (which makes them, I suppose, both searchers and researchers, much like some folks are simultaneously tired and retired.) …

Schulz/Peanuts news

Gimme gimme gimme

So I know you’ve been thinking “I forgot to get the AAUGH Blogger anything for his birthday. What can I do to make up for it?” You can get me this:It is one of four Peanuts originals currently up for auction at Sotheby’s (thanks to not-that-Jean for the tip), and …


Peanuts back in space!

The Peanuts folks have put out a press release announcing a new effort with NASA, the National Air and Space Administration, about their plans to generate new educational content and a school curriculum for teaching about deep space exploration. They say that more details will be released at Comic-Con next week. This …

Schulz/Peanuts news

Guess who just bought a big chunk of Peanuts??

The Hollywood Reporter is Hollywood reporting that entertainment giant Sony just bought 39% of the holding company that exists to hold the rights to Peanuts. They bought just short of half of the share that DHX Media bought a year ago. This means that the ownership breaks down like this: …

Schulz/Peanuts news

Peanuts Global Artist Collective

Now this is cool! The Peanutsy folks have announced the Peanuts Global Artist Collective, an international public art effort were seven selected artists/teams are doing public art using the Peanuts characters. They’re permitted to do their own interpretation of the characters, or to use Schulz art, or to mix things together …