The development of Print On Demand technology has enabled the publication and international distribution of small projects that previously may not have been seen beyond a handful of photocopies. Such is Dracula Remixed, which is simply a project of a high school English class, with students rewriting portions of Bram …
The latest addition to the Reference Library is Insuperabilis Snupius, a tall-but-short (48 pages), full-color reprint of daily strips… in Latin. Published in 1984 by the European Language Institute (an Italian publishing house that puts out mainly educational materials), this hardcover includes one nice touch that I always like …
Okay, I haven’t reviewed Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking because I’m hardly objective on it. But in the interest of providing you with pure, objective analysis, I should point out that the Christian Science Monitor called it “the perfect gift book for the holidays” and that the “design of the book …
I’m happy and proud to see that Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking, the book I compiled for Fantagraphics, has made gift suggestion lists at both the L.A. Times and the Comics Reporter.
Just got the contributor copies for Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking, which is not in bookstores yet. It’s a nicely solid little hardback, and as the guy credited (in tiny type) with conceiving and preparing the book, I’m quite pleased with it. I hope you will be as well.
Cider Mill Press had befuddled me a bit by their listing of a new edition of Christmas is Together-Time, one of the pics-and-adages books from the 1960s (a la Happiness is a Warm Puppy), which they described various as a “cloth edition” and a “ragbk edition”. Both of those things …
I now have in my grimy little paws Snoopy’s Organic Dog Biscuit Cookbook Kit, a just-released set of a book and three biscuit-cutters. And I have a number of things to note about it: While the cover says that the book is by “Snoopy and the Bubba Rose Biscuit Company” …
Apparently, there are now so many book adaptations of A Charlie Brown Christmas that they have to come up with new names to distinguish them, at least judging by the new book A Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. Despite the different title, this is actually this year’s Hallmark entry in the …
The day after I posted the first A Charlie Brown Christmas adaptation of the year, I’ve got another one… but not only is this one apparently from last year, this one has an asterisk. It’s not a book, it’s a fabric pattern, which shows the story of the classic TV …
Fall is here, the kids are back in school, and right on schedule, the first new book edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas is out! This one comes packaged in a little box with a snow globe – it’s not one of those big fancy snow globes you want to …