Back in 2004, I published a collection of Schulz’s other syndicated feature, “It’s Only a Game”, a fairly short-lived series of single-panel cartoons from the late 1950s. None of these panels had ever appeared in a proper book before; now they all had. Done. Nothing to worry about any longer. …
I was sitting at home, growing ill and grumpy, when a package arrived with something that I had no idea existed: my book, The Peanuts Collection, in German. It comes out next month, from Panini! Woohoo! (Preorderable here)
As best as I can tell, the book that I am holding does not exist. What I mean is that, other than the route through which I got it, I can find no other mention of it on the Internet. However, it is a 2013 book published by Hallmark, and …
One expects to find Peanuts discussions in all sorts of places, to the degree that while I’m tempted to say it was a surprise to find the topic in The Background of Social Reality: Selected Contributions from the Inaugural Meeting of ENSO (that’s the European Network on Social Ontology), I’d be …
The folks at Publications International, Ltd., seem to be less interested in serving the bookstore market and more interested in selling big piles of books to big box stores and supermarkets than to be selling onesy-twosy to bookstores. Perhaps this is why Look and Find: Snoopy, which was released in …
So I stumbled across this Kindle book on Amazon, Rats! by Charles Schulz. And as the cover and descriptor make clear, it’s in traditional Chinese. It had a supposed length of 13 pages, and the file size was small enough that it was clear the book had few if any …
If you didn’t manage to get that free Kindle book by now, alas, it’s too late; it’s now $9.99. So is the Kindle edition of the strip collection The World According to Lucy, which is about 1/3 off of its “digital list price”. That’s also the case for Snoopy at …
Last night, I was an invited guest to see Absolutely Filthy, a full length play parodying Peanuts currently in its initial run being staged at the Sacred Fools Theater in Los Angeles. Built from material workshopped as part of the Sacred Fools’s weekly late night “Serial Killers” project, this play …
A while back I let you know that I was putting together a small book of Schulz cartoons about bowling… and now it’s available! It’s a thin little thing, 52 pages, a few dozen cartoons, and it’s nothing that the Schulz completist needs (all of the cartoons are already in …
Normally, an Asian datebook is not something I’d worry about not having in my collection… but I think you’ll see why I reckon that from time to time in the future, I’ll look back and regret not getting this one. It will hurt, but I will try to be srong …