Animated Peanuts

Peanuts and friends ad

For those of you who missed the Super Bowl or just want to watch the Peanuts ad again, here it is (if you’re getting the AAUGH Blog via email, you may need to click through): It’s more interesting – and fun as a trivia quiz – than funny. Two things …

Animated Peanuts

Super Bowl Snoopy

There will be at least one Peanuts ad during the Super Bowl, and those who’ve already seen it are saying nice things about it. (Me, I’m actually avoiding it until airtime; there’s a big party here at AAUGH Central, and it’s a non-football crowd, so our biggest pleasure is in …

Animated Peanuts

A Blanket discount

Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown on DVD is now just $6.49.

Animated Peanuts

The final Peanuts specials of the year, I assume

Tonight at the start of prime time, ABC will air Happy New Year, Charlie Brown, with the hour rounded out by She’s a Good Skate, Charlie Brown. This event is so tumultuous that, at this point, ABC doesn’t even have it on their online schedule, instead showing a blank box …

Animated Peanuts

More Peanuts on TV

If your need for Peanuts on network TV hasn’t been sated by the 5.5 hours of airtime Charlie Brown and crew have commanded this past month, you’re in luck! This Thursday at 9 PM in most markets, ABC will air I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown, a full …

Animated Peanuts

Peanuts take over TV

Thursday night, ABC will air A Charlie Brown Christmas, in its full, uncut glory (well, of course, excepting the Coca-Cola ad from the start of the show, which odds are good that you’ve never seen), followed by Charlie Brown’s Chrismas Tales, as the first hour of its prime-time linup. Friday …

Animated Peanuts

I Want A Dog airing

This comng Monday, ABC’s primetime lineup will begin wtih this year’s airing of I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown, the hour-long 2003 special focusing on Rerun (but with plenty of the rest of the cast.) Of course, this special is available on DVD. (For a moment, I was …

Animated Peanuts

A Charlie Brown Christmas airs tonight

Leading off tonight’s ABC prime time lineup is A Charlie Brown Christmas, but it’s only slated for a half an hour, which means it’s the edited-down version. Following it on the schedule in most markets is one of those Prep & Landing specials (Disney obviously has a multi-year plan to …

Animated Peanuts

When it’s Charlie Brown versus Charlie Brown, everybody wins!

I’m looking at the TV ratings for Thursday, when animated Peanuts specials were on two networks at the same time (the A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving/The Mayflower Voyages hour running 8-9 on ABC, while Fox ran Happiness is a Warm Blanket 8:30-9:30). None of them won their time slot. The ABC …

Animated Peanuts

Happiness is a Warm Blanket – cheap and free

I’ve just noticed that this year’s enjoyable new DVD release Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown has been marked way down to under seven bucks! That’s a good price for a good disk; there’s no second special on it, but remember this is a double-length feature, and there are …