Animated Peanuts

Inside Thanksgiving

For some reason, Amazon doesn’t have the cover for this fall’s new book edition of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, but they do have this low-resolution shot of an interior spread…. one which I think makes particularly good use of the two-page layout.

Animated Peanuts

Quick, I need a time machine and a ticket to Europe…

I was catching up on Jeannie Schulz’s blog, and I came on this entry, where she’s chronicling the Schulz Museum’s updated display of Peanuts books from around the world. I’ve not seen the new display yet, but in Jeannie’s photo, I see the book pictured here. There’s a shot of …

Animated Peanuts

A shiny Easter Beagle

The new book adaptation of the animated special It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown is a slick production. The cover is embossed, with foil highlights and French flaps (that’s where the covers of a paperback are folded in to create inside flaps. The credits of the book are: By Charles M. …

Animated Peanuts

No Oscar nominations for The Peanuts Movie

I thought The Peanuts Movie had a good chance at an Oscar nomination, but most of the big-time animated movies of the year didn’t make it into the Animated Movies category – sure, Inside Out made it on there (it could hardly not), but none of the other big US studio releases …

Animated Peanuts

PEANUTS DE SCHULZ – ::: N O R M AA L ::: ::: N O R M AA L :::

I’ve written a couple of times about the 500 minute-and-a-half-long Peanuts shorts being produced in France, but now I can finally show some of them to you, thanks to a site that AAUGH Blog reader Guillaume pointed me to. Surf on over to the production company’s website, scroll down a bit, …

Animated Peanuts

Peanuts Movie puzzle book

Now available from third-party sellers on Amazon is this Spanish jigsaw puzzle book of images from The Peanuts Movie. The title, Carlitos y Snoopy, la película. Mi libro puzle, reflects the Charlie Brown & Snoopy title that the film has in many places.

Animated Peanuts

The relative success of The Peanuts Movie

Yes, box office receipts is kind of a stinky way to talk about movies… but I’m a math person at heart and by training, and when I see numbers, I cannot help but to process them. So I think about The Peanuts Movie and the $129 million in domestic ticket sales …

Animated Peanuts

Peanuts and Me: Global Phenomena

I just got a chance to watch Peanuts: The Global Phenomenon, which is being run on television in various international markets (it has apparently already been run in New Zealand.) This is a fourteen-and-a-half-minute promo for The Peanuts Movie, put together by Toy Box Entertainment, and it’s a nicely built piece …

Animated Peanuts

Starting the new year off right… with Christmas!

What better way to start off the new year of this blog with our favorite thing – a new book edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas! I came back from my holiday travels to find the Walmart 50th anniversary A Charlie Brown Christmas CD set waiting for me. This is a …

Animated Peanuts

Guess what film was nominated for a Golden Globe!

The Peanuts Movie has some tough competition for the Golden Globe in feature animation, up against the largely-loved Inside Out, as well as Animolisa, The Good Dinosaur, and the enjoyable Shaun the Sheep, but it’s in the running! It used to be that it was rare that you’d have two big animated films released in …