Those of you who have never been to the San Diego Comic-Con (or who haven’t been in a the past couple decades) may not realize that the event goes well beyond the convention center. For blocks around, there are pop-up shops in unused storefronts, studios creating fan “experiences” in parking …
What do I have to say about the new board book edition of It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. I mean, the reading experience of being told “and that happens at every door. All the other kids get wonderful treats like candy, gum, and popcorn balls … and Charlie Brown …
The alert… well the overly-alert… Peanuts reader knows that Pigpen’s name changed over the years, not in pronunciation, but in punctuations. When the character first appeared, his name would be written as… ‘PIG-PEN’ …but when 1958 rolled around, those single-quote marks got expanded into double quotes. “PIG-PEN” That format lasted …
For those of you for whom the true pumpkin spice is It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, have I got a board book for you! It’s due in July of next year, so for now you’ll just have to put up with sitting through the whole special rather than the more …
I have failed in my central role as the AAUGH Blogger. To wit, in 2018, a new book edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas came out, and I didn’t detect it until this month! The department store chain Kohl’s, is constantly running their Kohl’s Cares promotion, where they sell books …
AAUGH Blogger: Hey, Nat, what’s that you got there? Nat: It’s the A Charlie Brown Christmas Mini Puzzles box set thingy. AAUGH Blogger: Oh, a thingy, is it? What has it got in it. Nat: It has these two bags of very small jigsaw puzzle pieces. AAUGH Blogger: Do they …
Halloween is just around the corner, but I’m already seeing books coming for next halloween… namely, a board book adaptation of It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. This is being published as part of the PI Kids line, which focuses on “interactive” books, and they’re doing this one like they did the …
AAUGH Blog reader Mike saw me expressing ambivalence about whether to preorder the new $99.99 edition of the A Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack just to get the liner notes booklet… and he noted something that I missed: the same publisher is offering a new one-CD deluxe version for a far …
Coming next year are new anthologies of Peanuts comics stories. Each anthology includes a mix of Schulz strips, stories from the Peanuts comic books, and one new tale. (The solicitation uses the term “graphic novel short stories”, which is a fingernails-on-the-chalkboard term for those of us who recognize “graphic novel” …
I managed to let the new Peanuts Mother’s Day special, Snoopy Presents: To Mom (and Dad), With Love, get right by me, because life was rather full about that time. So I caught up with it tonight, and I’m glad I did. The special features various Peanuts kids trying to …