Upcoming releases

talking on DVD

Yesterday, I got interviewed for featurettes for two upcoming Peanuts animated DVDs. That’s kind of odd for me in itself. After writing a bunch of books and talking at conventions and doing occasional other interviews, you’d think I’d be kind of used to people thinking I say things well enough …

Upcoming releases

Security Blankets – the book!

Here’s a book that I knew was in the works for a while, but which I missed that it was actually on the schedule. Security Blankets: How Peanuts Touched Our Lives takes a look at the impact that Peanuts has had on its fans. It’s put together by Derrick Bang …

New releases

the sweetest Snoopy book

I found this at a 99 Cents Only store today: Of course, despite the “title”, it’s not actually a book at all. Flip open that cover with every licensee’s favorite Peanuts image, and you’ll find six rolls of LifeSavers-like candy. In fact, the whole affair is an imitation of the …

Upcoming releases


Coming in October: A Charlie Brown Christmas: a Deluxe Book and Tree Kit I think you all know how happy this makes me.

Upcoming releases

Looking ahead at Complete Peanuts

One of the AAUGH.com elves slipped me this image: Billie Jean King is a logical choice to write introduction. Actually, I was just explaining Billie Jean and Bobby Riggs to a friend who wasn’t around for the 1970s – so in case there’s any of those in our audience here …

Classic finds

Oh, okay, more on A Charlie Brown Christmas books

Not my fault! People send in questions (to questions@AAUGH.com ), and while I won’t answer them all, and much less answer them publicly,  this one I felt called for a public answer. Steve from Michigan was asking, in regard to this book: What I dont understand though is why that …

Classic finds

Nat should be talking about A Charlie Brown Groundhog Day by now…

Yes, yes, I’m writing about book adaptations of A Charlie Brown Christmas again. It’s a mania, I tell ya, a mania! Today, the mail brought a first printing of the original book adaptation. Now, I know what you’re thinking — didn’t I already have a first printing? In fact, lots …

Now shipping

It’s Flashbeagle time!

Yes, because you’ve been demanding it, Flashbeagle will finally be coming to all-digital DVD! It’s not getting the full respect it’s due – it’s the bonus episode on the disk, adding content to Snoopy’s Reunion – but it is there in all its Flashbeagly glory! Coming out in April, available …

Now shipping

Now shipping: The Easter Beagle Egg Hunt

The board book The Easter Beagle Egg Hunt is now shipping. Really, I could’ve said all that in the title, but then I’d have a blank blog post. Have a good day!

Upcoming releases

Me on the DVD

I got a sneak preview copy of the releases-in-about-a-week DVD of You’re A Good Sport, Charlie Brown. And with a combination of fear and ego, I watched just the featurette, where I was one of the “talking heads” discussing things related to the special. And much to my surprise, I …