Upcoming releases

More upcoming covers, and I was right

We now have the covers for the next to books in the series if Be books that recently began: Be Thankful and Be Friends both be shipping September 3rd. And remember a few weeks back when I noted a new book titled A Charlie Brown Christmas by Charles M. Schulz …

Upcoming releases

Peanuts by Shultz

“Peanuts by Shultz” – if you are like me, that headline made you flinch (also, you wear out your right sneaker much faster than your left, and you’re a little too fond of donuts, but that really doesn’t matter for the subject at hand.) If you’re a Peanuts fan and …

Upcoming releases

Free Peanuts on Free Comic Book Day

Free Comic Book Day is coming up (Saturday, May 4, a mere week-and-a-half away), and really, that’s about my favorite holiday of the year. At plenty of comic shops, you show up, and you get a free comic book… or at some places, a bunch of free comic books. What …

Animated Peanuts

The The is The Wrong Thing

At CinemaCon, Fox already started promoting their 3-D animated Peanuts flick, even though it’s not out for over two and a half years yet. Unfortunately, their little teaser video doesn’t seem to have ended up online, so I cannot tell you how their 3-D image of Charlie Brown looked… but …


Be books

I now have received all three of the new Be books. Two of these, Be Brave and Be Kind, are matched books. They’re gift books, small but not miniature, each 72 pages of strong bright white paper. One each spread (and occasionally on a single page) is a command to …


Vaguely Peanuts-related bits

Famed rapper Snoop Dogg (a.k.a. as Snoop Doggy Dogg) has changed his moniker (last year; yes, I’m that far behind on my hiphop news) to Snoop Lion. This should prevent any further confusion. Of course, if he wanted to avoid being confused with a cartoon character, he should’ve just kept …

Animated Peanuts

things I should have told you already

The Complete Peanuts volume 19: 1987-1988 is already shipping, and I’m going slowly through my copy before doing a review or summation or whatever it is I do on these things. And the complete set of the Charlie Brown And Snoopy Show on DVD can now be ordered through Amazon, …

Now shipping

Be Peanuts

Now shipping are three new kids books: Be Yourself Be Kind: Peanuts Wisdom to Carry You Through Be Brave: Peanuts Wisdom to Carry You Through My copies are whipping their way here even as we speak. Reviews soon.

Animated Peanuts

Oooh, DVD deal

You know those DVDs they’ve been releasing with one Peanuts TV special mixed with one episode of The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show? And you know those cheap DVD sets where you can get four related films in a single DVD case for about $10-$15? Well, you can probably see …


Snoopy invasion

Alas, I don’t have the camera to capture it in a visible form, but I was surprised to see the MetLife blimp with Snoopy on the side passing through our neighborhood earlier this week.