Now shipping

Now shipping, Peanuts volume 2

Now shipping, Peanuts Volume 2, which collects issues 1 through 4 of the second run of the current Peanuts comic books. As I type this, Amazon has the book for $7.90, which means that it costs less than the cover price of two issues. The cover you see on Amazon …

Upcoming releases

This fall’s preorders

Now available for preorder are The Complete Peanuts volume 20, the boxed set of volumes 19 and 20, and the first volume of Peanuts Every Sunday, the larger color collections of just the Sunday strips. As always, I encourage ordering as soon as possible; Amazon’s preorder price guarantee promises that …

Schulz/Peanuts news

Make your house a museum

The Schulz Museum is selling off some interesting items, including display placards from past shows, as their It’s the Great Sale!.

Classic finds

Peanuts, Quentin Tarantino style

This genuine, official Peanuts strip may be the funniest one I’ve ever found in any Peanuts book: As you probably figured out part-way through, this is not an official English language strip; this is the Swedish translation. I wrote about it in the then-AAUGH newsletter , when I’d just gotten …

Now shipping

Li’l Abner versus Li’l Folks

This invterview about a just-released biography of Li’l Abner creator Al Capp (and when one says a “warts and all” biography of Capp, believe me that “warts” is putting it nicely) includes as illustration three Abner Sunday strips from 1968 which I’d not seen before, in which Capp attempts to …

Upcoming releases

minor correction

In an earlier message, I said I’d have two stories in the upcoming Peanuts issue 8, which may not be true; I somehow had placed the story I’ve written for issue 7 into issue 8. I’ll have one story in 7 (three pages of Schroeder and Lucy), at least one …

Upcoming releases

Peanuts comic book issue 6

Usually, the Peanuts preview has a portion of a story… but instead you get a whole short tale here! You can buy the full issue in your favorite comic book store starting tomorrow. (Click on each page to enlarge.) By the way, that story is penciled by the talented Vicki …

New releases

Absolutely Filthy, a worthwhile parody

Last night, I was an invited guest to see Absolutely Filthy, a full length play parodying Peanuts currently in its initial run being staged at the Sacred Fools Theater in Los Angeles. Built from material workshopped as part of the Sacred Fools’s weekly late night “Serial Killers” project, this play …

Upcoming releases

As opposed to a needless variant, here’s a needle one

While the Boom! Peanuts series has had rare alternative covers for each of their issues, some of them have had other variant cover editions. These are ones meant for sale at specific conventions. Next up is this year’s Emerald City Comicon, in Seattle March 1 through 3, and I think …

Classic finds

My book is dangerous

If Googe Translate is to be believed, this newly-posted review of the Italian edition of my book The Peanuts Collection claims that the book is “full of internal punching”! (They also call it “a stunning volume”, but perhaps they just mean being stunned by the punches.) Apparently, my first name …