New releases

Snoopy’s Apple Orchard for the cherry blossom crowd

I was having a tough day yesterday, a day of tough decisions and bad news. But in the middle of it, the postman brought an unexpected gift from someone I like, and it really picked up my day. It was a Japanese edition of the 1976 original Peanuts book “I …

Upcoming releases

Is it pictures that lie, or words

The words of the Amazon entry say that this upcoming product is named Snoopy’s Organic Dog Biscuit Kit, that it’s written by Snoopy, and that it has cookie cutters in the shape of a doghouse and Peanuts characters. The pictures on the Amazon entry show that it’s name Snoopy Dog …


Peanuts crossing over

As I noted earlier, during this year’s MetLife Super Bowl commercial, while the characters from Peanuts were in the same ad as other cartoon characters from various sources, they were never actually on the screen at the same time. This is clearly no accident, and there has been a general …

Now shipping

Now you can have your own small world

A while back, I posted a message about an obscure comic strip called “Small World” (and seem to have confused a few of you, because I thought I’d posted about it earlier but hadn’t.) I was wrestling with the question of whether this odd strip was influenced by Peanuts. I …

Classic finds

Peanuts from the silent black-and-white era

So I picked up these coloring books from the 1970s – outside my usual collecting guidelines, of course, but they were all Christmas-themed, and the Peanuts/Christmas link is on my mind these days. Besides, they were cheap and, as it turns out, in immaculate condition. But I find them kind …

Animated Peanuts

A Charlie Brown Christmas is Officially Important, musicwise

Each year, the U.S. Library of Congress names a set of audio recordings that are of historical importance, and this year’s announcement of 25 new inductees includes the soundtrack for A Charlie Brown Christmas! The announcement notes: “A Charlie Brown Christmas” introduced jazz to millions of listeners. The television soundtrack …

Upcoming releases

  Here’s the cover for Snoopy’s Organic Dog Biscuit Cookbook Kit, shipping in October and preorderable now. The kit will come with Peanuts-themed cookie cutters. I gotta admit, seeing that “all recipes are free of wheat, corn & soy” instantly creates the image in my brain that it’s all rocks …

Upcoming releases

A close-up look at my work on Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking

Today’s work: looking at the artwork, trying to erase the stray dots that have been caused by printing and scanning and half a century of time passing, while not erasing stray dots actually caused by the ink pen of Charles M. Schulz. If he’d only signed each genuine stray dot, …


Dale Hale and the “Peanuts” Comic Book: The Interview « Hogan’s Alley

My interview with Dale Hale, artist on the old Dell/Gold Key “Peanuts” comic books. This is the same interview that’s on the site, but the Hogan’s Alley site is running it with the images that were used in the print edition.

Animated Peanuts

Team Snoopy

Now shipping is Happiness is… Peanuts: Team Snoopy, a DVD combining the TV special Lucy Must Be Traded, Charlie Brown with some sports-oriented material from The Charlie Brown & Snoopy Show. I love the phrasing “An All-New Collection” There’s not any new material, just a new combination of things… and …