If you head over to Amazon now, you can order a used copy of Peppermint Patty and Marcie for $266, plus shipping. Now that may sound like a lot of money, but consider this: as best as I can tell, this book was never published. This book was an odd phantom in the system for years, constantly updating its planned release date. This just seemed to be some computer glitch, possibly some once-planned book, but it’s been in the system long since that publisher (HarperCollins) got out of the Peanuts book business.
I’ve gotten some good stuff through used dealers through Amazon, but when dealing with obscure stuff, there’s reason to be cautious. Amazon has a number of rare Braille editions of Peanuts books listed, where obviously someone once had a legitimate one for sale… but once it’s in the system, other people with used non-Braille copies obviously searched for the title and added theirs to the list, not noticing they linked to the Braille edition rather than the normal one. So there may be some real Braille copies there, but there’s no way of telling which ones. Always be careful when dealing with books when there is more than one edition or more than one book by the same title.
Meanwhile, if you’re looking for gifts at good prices, here are some $4.99 games:
- The Grinch – Sing Your Heart Out! game – how can you resist a game with an “electronic singing detector sleigh”?
- Hannah Montana DVD game
- Noodleboro Fun Park Sharing Game
- Ice Age DVD game
- Rubik’s Ice Cube
- 20Q (electronic Twenty Questions game)
- South Park DVD game
- Dilbert Escape from Cubeville (This one’s $3.75)
- CSI DVD game
- Crayola Undersea Adventures game
- Fifteen puzzle
- High School Musical 3 game
- Indiana Jones DVD game