BBQ from Beyond – continued
- By : Nat
- Category : Upcoming releases
I thought that it was bad enough that Simon & Schuster had a catalog page for a (by any sane assumption non-existent) upcoming Schulz book about barbecue.

Now they’ve put out a cover image – a holding-the-spot-of-a-cover-image, really – with Schulz’s name on it. I’ve stored a copy on my server to keep this blog up-to-date, because presumably it will soon be changed on Amazon and other bookstores sites (the book is due in December, after all.)
I guess these are either generated automatically or by some computermonkey who just slams the words on whatever’s in the catalog without a cover… but I look forward at seeing what, if anything, pops up in its place.
Of course, there is a chance that Schulz secretly wrote a guide to barbecue which just happen to have a very similar title to another such book, and which has been kept under wraps until a decade after his death. If such a book appears, I’m willing to eat crow…
…but only if that crow is slathered it St. Louis-style sweet BBQ sauce.