Snoopy is guiding us to the great outdoors
- By : Nat
- Category : Upcoming releases

Coming in October is Snoopy’s Guide to the Great Outdoors, which seems to be a general guide to camping, hiking, and appreciating nature, using your favorite Beagle Scout leader and various other members of the Peanuts crew as your guides. The author is Kristin Mehus-Roe, who seems to usually write about dogs rather than books nominally by a dug. It’s a full-color piece. The binding is listed as Flexibound, which is basically a paperback designed to be laid open flat, more like a classic hardcover. (Many more recent hardcovers – some call them casebound – are basically paperback guts slapped in, well, hard covers.)
On the Amazon listing at the link above, they have images of several more spreads – go see. It looks like a good book, and a good introduction to outdoor life for, oh, I’d guess mid-grade through the teens. Published by “Epic Ink”, who I don’t recall being involved in Peanuts before, but who seem focused on zingy books on high-interest topics (they’ve got books on Star Wars, Barbie, Betty White, and the ever-hot New Kids on the Block.)