Index to A Charlie Brown Christmas


If you’ve ever visited my online museum of the various editions of books adaptingĀ A Charlie Brown Christmas, you may have found it a long journey to get to anywhere. In the years since I stared it, I’ve added so many editions (there’s over 60 there now) that if you just wanted to find a specific one, it took a lot of staring and clicking.

Well, no more! I’ve added a visual index, displaying all 60 front covers, each linking to its description page! So if you just want to look at a screen full of little pictures of A Charlie Brown Christmas covers, that’s one of the best places to find it!

The AAUGH Blog: Now on Bluesky

I have now set up a Bluesky account for The AAUGH Blog — username — which will automatically post a link to every new blog post here (or at least, every new one with a header image… which I’m taking advantage of here because the people following the account …

Well, that was a reaction

Yesterday’s post about socialism accusations being aimed at Peanuts and drawing a parallel to today’s attacks on libraries actually didn’t get much response. Even when I shared a version on social media, I got a mere handful of “likes”. But the one email I got was a doozy. I mean, …

AAUGH and the holiday season

The old AAUGHmobile and I were in a collision a couple weeks back, so say “hi” to the new AAUGHmobile. It’s white with black highlights, so it looks a mite like Snoopy! Meanwhile, I’ve got a fractured wrist, making typing a bit hard, so I’m just summarizing my full usual …