More Plastino Peanuts
- By : Nat
- Category : Upcoming releases
It’s known that cartoonist Al Plastino was once hired to produce some Peanuts strips to be kept on file, even if there was some disagreement between Plastino’s recollection and other reasoning as to when this took place. Despite rumors that these strips were destroyed, a few have seen print in various places (under discussions of Plastino’s career, not in Official Peanuts Product.)
The upcoming book Al Plastino: Last Superman Standing from the fine folks at TwoMorrows Publishing has a half-dozen such examples that I’d not seen before… and you don’t even have to wait until the book comes out in July to take a look at them. Go over to the Amazon page for the book, click on the book cover to get into Amazon’s Look Inside feature, and scroll down to pages 57 and 58.