Changing the blog trimmings

With our Amazon deal back in place, I’ve gotten rid of the “tip jar” that was at the left of the blog, both because it felt like I was presenting this blog as a charity of some sort, and because it simply (and expectedly) had no effect, with no tips generated. If you want to support the blog, just come here when you’re going to order something and click through on the link for any book – the blog gets a cut no matter what you end up ordering, and that helps support the various costs of site.

(Meanwhile, if you look over where the tip jar was, you’ll see a link for something I’m doing utterly unrelated to Schulz – reprinting the classic Oy-Oy-7 spy parody books, huge sellers in the 1960s and out of print for decades. If that’s something that’s of interest to you, head on over to — and spread the word!)

The AAUGH Blog: Now on Bluesky

I have now set up a Bluesky account for The AAUGH Blog — username — which will automatically post a link to every new blog post here (or at least, every new one with a header image… which I’m taking advantage of here because the people following the account …

Well, that was a reaction

Yesterday’s post about socialism accusations being aimed at Peanuts and drawing a parallel to today’s attacks on libraries actually didn’t get much response. Even when I shared a version on social media, I got a mere handful of “likes”. But the one email I got was a doozy. I mean, …

AAUGH and the holiday season

The old AAUGHmobile and I were in a collision a couple weeks back, so say “hi” to the new AAUGHmobile. It’s white with black highlights, so it looks a mite like Snoopy! Meanwhile, I’ve got a fractured wrist, making typing a bit hard, so I’m just summarizing my full usual …