New Peanuts comic book series
- By : Nat
- Category : Upcoming releases

Peanuts is coming back to the comic book world. Boom! Studios, the same folks who published that nice graphic novel adaptation of Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown, have announced a new ongoing Peanuts comic book series from their Kaboom imprint, featuring “all-new stories”. It starts with an issue zero in November (that’s a common comics trick to do sort of a preview/lead-in issue; in this case, it will have less story content than a normal issue, plus some preview/making of material, for a buck). After that, it’s a two-month wait until issue 1, after which new issues should come every month. Although not announced, given Kaboom!’s pricing tendency, I would expect the regular issues to be $3.99 each.
If that cover doesn’t look all-new to you, you’re right. The art is recycled from a previous Peanuts comic book – in this case, the last all-new all-Peanuts comic book magazine, Dell’s issue 13, from 1962.