Straightening out Warm Blanket editions

There is some confusion about what Warm Blanket editions are available out there, perhaps slightly abetted by loose wording on this blog. To the best of my knowledge, there are:

  • A DVD edition, available everywhere, including here.
  • A Blu-ray only edition, which was available at the Schulz Museum for the premiere (thanks for the info, Ray!), and is available at; I don’t know if it is available at brick-and-mortar Walmarts.
  • A DVD-and-Blu-ray-and-digital combo pack, which is generally available in Canada, and is a Walmart exclusive in the US, but which can be gotten through third-party sellers on Amazon (no idea if they’re getting theirs from Canada or from Walmart but it’s all Region 1 and should work on the same players) but apparently cannot be gotten through
  • As online and downloadable video from Amazon, and iTunes, and I would guess some other sources. The iTunes listing indicates that that version includes the bonus features Deconstructing Schulz: From Comic Book to Screenplay (yes, it says “Comic Book” on iTunes; of course, it says “Comic Strip” on the DVD) and Happiness is… Finding the Right Voice (the DVD box says Happiness Is… but the DVD itself says Happiness… Is — for this one, editor Nat says that iTunes listing is the best!), but doesn’t mention the third bonus feature or the deleted scene that are on the DVD, so they may not be included.
Animated Peanuts
We finally know how Charlie Brown did at the Super Bowl!

If you’ve never seen the 1994 Peanuts special You’re in the Super Bowl, Charlie Brown, well, you’re not alone. It aired only in 1994, linked to that year’s Super Bowl, on NBC, which had never before and has never since aired a Peanuts special. It has never been rerun, never …

Animated Peanuts
Free Snoopy Weekend

Apple just announced that this weekend, you can watch all of their original programming for free (you will have to sign in for an account, but not a subscription.) This means The Snoopy Show, Snoopy in Space, Camp Snoopy, and the new Peanuts specials that were created for Apple should all be …

Animated Peanuts
RIP Willie Mays

Willie Mays has died. The baseball great lived until the age of 1993. “Why is that relevant to a Peanuts blog?” I hear of a few of you cry (though many of you know better.) Before Lee Mendelson had any connection to Peanuts, he made a documentary about Mays… and …