A Very Pillowy Peanuts Book

A Very Peanuts Christmas is not quite the largest Peanuts book ever in most dimensions… but it is certainly the fluffiest.

Li'l Miss AAUGH Blog gives the pillowbook a hug

It is, after all, a pillow book – and not in the traditional sense of a collection of notes meant to describe a period in one’s life. No, this is a pillow book in a more literal sense, a combination pillow/book. Undo three velcro clasps on the side, and the pillow opens up to reveal a 10-page strip reprint collection, including a total of 10 Christmas-themed Sunday strips (printed in black-and-white)  and 24 Christmas-themed daily strips on its oversized fabric pages. The book is about 12 inches wide and 22 inches tall.

I've certainly bought normal books with less strip content in them.
The pages are actually sharp; it's the picture that's fuzzy

Now, I’m far too protective of my Peanuts books to use this as an actual sleeping pillow… but in addition to making a cool addition to the collection, I think this would make a nice part of one’s Christmas decor, put in the corner of a couch perhaps.

Released in 2007, I suspect that at the time this book was only available through the Target store chain. I ordered mine through the Target website, but they’re now saying it’s out of stock. However, Amazon now has them. I’m very happy that I got mine.

Classic finds

I had been lacking books from the Snoopy Museum in Tokyo, so when I saw one one for sale on eBay, I chunked up some money and ordered it. It was a bit more than I like to spend on one book… which is why I was so happy when …

Classic finds
A needle-ssly fine present

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Double Love

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