The Peanuts Collection reviews

Today is the official release day for The Peanuts Collection. I’ve checked several chain bookstores, and they have it on the shelves. Your local store should as well.

What I’ve got here is selections from every single review that I could find for  it. What I find surprising is the uniformity of their opinion – really, they’re all strongly positive, I’m not hiding anything from you – and the diversity of sources. The book has gotten raves from everyone from the Deseret News (a newspaper owned by the Mormon Church) to Mayfair (a magazine that for more than four decades has ceaselessly sought to expose the shocking lack of garments among buxom British lasses).

In an experimental move, I’ll actually open up this blog post for comments, so that you can put up your own reviews and comments on the book. (I won’t delete negative reviews, but I will delete abusive posts of any sort.)

“As you flip through the pages, it becomes clear the amount of research and time that were put into this intricate book. From the high-quality reproductions of original sketches, comics and photographs to the removable film cells, stickers and booklets, the attention to detail is impressive. […] With quotes from the Schulz family and elements from throughout Peanuts’ 60 years, this interactive book is one that fans new and old won’t want to put down.” —Deseret News

“the ultimate present and truly a book for collectors” — Collectors Gazette, August 2010

Record Collector gave it five stars.

“A lovely reminder of a remarkable body of work” —Mayfair, September 2010

“This is the ultimate book for the Peanuts enthusiast. […] Nat Gertler’s book is a collection of memories of our own life as we skip through a time capsule of rare time pieces emulated through the Peanuts impact on society.”  – SandboxWorld

While this will change with time, at the moment it’s had eight reader ratings at – every one a 5-out-of-5 star rating.

“Writer Nat Gertler has an amazingly comprehensive knowledge of the strip and it’s history so [the chapters] never fail to be entertaining, if short. Realistically, this book isn’t going to win any new fans to the world of Peanuts but conversely it’s probably not aimed at them. For fans of the strip already, there’s plenty new here to enjoy – and for those people, I’d highly recommend the book.” –

“This beautiful book is the ultimate collection for Peanuts’ fans.” – Under the Apple Tree

A “top pick”; “It is a gold mine” – Christian Science Monitor, October 22, 2010

So, what did you think?

Another blog review: “This is a perfect collector’s book for kids of all ages. I thought (only for a moment) that I would give this book to my grandson who collects all kinds of comic books, but I can’t bear to part with it. I look forward to looking through this beautiful treasure again and again. (Okay, I will let my grandchildren look at it, but they can’t take it home with them!!)”

Yes, the blog reviews keep coming:

‘The Peanuts Collection’ is a wonderfully packaged volume that is a must-have for ‘Peanuts’ fans.

Outside of that demographic, amateur comic historians should enjoy the love that Nat Gertler clearly put into this work. His uncluttered prose keeps things simple and dictates the history of ‘Peanuts’ with the love of a curator. The selected imagery is outstanding and the pullouts are even better.”

“Clearly, I enjoyed everything. Peanuts is one of those comics that is just as good today as it was when you first read it. This book celebrates Peanuts, appropriately not in a haughty fashion, but in a charming way” – from this here blog.

“This is one of my favorite picture books for so many reasons, the first being nostalgia. I have loved Snoopy, Charlie Brown and Schroeder my whole life plus the rest of the gang too, so seeing this book immediately appealed to my curiosity. I didn’t think there was much I could learn about it, and after reading it I was very wrong. […] Definitely one to get, for the kid in all of us. 5/5” – Freda’s Voice blog

“the ultimate Christmas gift for anybody who loves Peanuts and its history.” —

(In the interest of full disclosure, I’ve known the folks behind for quite a while, mainly as online buds. However, I don’t think KC would be saying these things if he didn’t mean them; he knows far too many people to be like that as a reviewer.)

“If you’re a fan of The Peanuts or know someone on your list that is, you are in for a treat! The Peanuts Collection: Treasures from the World’s Most Beloved Comic Strip by Nat Gertler is a treasure trove full of Peanut’s paraphernalia! It is a BIG beautiful oversize hardcover book which comes in its own slipcase, and is filled with everything and anything a Charlie Brown & Company fan would want…” — Chick with Books

“Discussions of Schulz’s 2000 death and Peanuts themes like ‘unrequited love’ may bring a tear to the eyes of steadfast fans. The comic’s spirit of quiet wisdom resonates through the carefully compiled memorabilia.” — Publisher’s Weekly

Nat has given to all Peanuts fans an opportunity to understand the real meaning of sharing something through this wonderful book.
A book full of surprises but above of all, love.
Thanks very much Nat.
god bless you
Paulo Labao, a forever brazilian fan

“If you’re looking for a Special Collectible Gift Book for a gift, this is the one! All ages will appreciate and treasure this amazing collection!” —Frugal Plus

“My children loved looking through the book with me at the colorful depictions of the Peanuts characters, memorabilia and comic strips. I especially adored the simplicity and charm of the “Joy to the World” card. This is truly a treasure trove of discovery for any fan of the Peanuts comic strip and a lovely homage to the genius Charles M. Schulz. If you know or are a Peanuts fan then this is a must have book for your collection.” — Simply Stacie

“The Peanuts Collection is a must have for any Peanuts fan. Readers are transported to the adventure of the Peanuts Gang from the early days to those just prior to Charles Schulz’s untimely passing. I loved the photo cells and posters but the most fab feature was the foreword written by Schulz’s daughter.” — Three Boys and an Old Lady

“This is like one of those ‘museum in a book’ creations and not merely a collection of strips; therefore, it would make an excellent holiday gift for the Snoopy enthusiast in your life. The hardcover comes with all sorts of photos and info about the Peanuts gang, but the real good stuff is all the extras stuffed inside: frameable prints, replicas of Charles Schulz’s sketches, a mini-cookbook, stickers, cards, pamphlets, etc. It’s a pretty good deal, and Schulz’s daughter (Amy Schulz Johnson) pens the foreward. Fun!” – USA Today‘s PopCandy

“I found myself fascinated by this brilliant compilation of Schulz’s life work, learning more about this creative man and his beloved characters.” – Rundpinne

“This book’s title does not lie. It is a treasure of treasures! I thought it was going to be a kind of cute picture book and I would review it in a night or two. Not true! It has provided night after night of reading and enjoying the whole book. From the moment I opened the book, I was enchanted. Page after page is loaded with surprise after surprise.” – A Circle of Books

“I can not tell you how much fun this book is for anyone who loves Peanuts and Snoopy and all the others. There are reproductions of comic books and other memorabelia to pull out and enjoy. This would make an excellent gift or just a great book to have to go to when you need a smile.”
Broken Teepee

“Honestly, who wouldn’t salivate over this book? Everything about this book is high quality. When I first opened it, I felt like I discovered buried treasure. I stayed up most of the night on the day I received it to read and enjoy it. I just had to get through the entire book, it wouldn’t let me put it down. The Peanuts Collection is a must have for all Peanuts fans! I can’t imagine a better gift for someone.” — So Many Precious Books, So Little Time

“Luckily for fans, we still have old books and TV specials and now we have this wonderful new book. If you know a Peanuts fan, add The Peanuts Collection to your shopping list – they’re sure to love this gem of a book!” – Bermudaonion’s Weblog

Thank you Nat for having the desire and drive to take on the personal challenge of writing a Peanuts book. I look forward to reading The Peanuts Collection and your perspective on Sparky and his flair with pen and ink, and the Peanuts characters, and are they ever endearing characters.

“It’s fabulous, special in every way! Every page you turn offers new discoveries, little treasure tucked in every nook. It’s like a fairytale book for adults. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed reading this collection.” – Between the Pages

“As an ephemera fiend, I love it. Gertler, working with the Schulz Museum and United Media, broke the book down as two-page chapters on major topics such as Charles M. Schulz, Charlie Brown, halloween, Advertising, and Unrequited Love. He then chose sketches, or book covers, or toys etc. to illustrate the page of text he wrote on the topic. While I’d rather have an original set of Dolly Madison’s Peanuts trading cards from 1983, the pouchful of reprints on page 41 (for Sports) is a neat stand-in. ” — Washington City Paper

“It’s a great new book, Charlie Brown. It’s called The Peanuts Collection [Little, Brown; $35], and swear to Snoopy, I can’t think of a better gift for any Peanuts fan. Written by Nat Gertler, this heavily-illustrated book more than lives up to its ‘Treasures from the World’s Most Beloved Comic Strip’ subtitle! […] In breezy, pleasant prose, Gertler shares his vast knowledge of Charlie Brown, Snoopy, the Peanuts gang, and the enormous impact Schulz’s creations have had on comic strips, TV, advertising, and merchandising. Gertler hold his own with the book’s illustrations and enclosures, and that’s no small feat.” — Tony Isabella, “Tony’s Tips”, The Comics Buyer’s Guide issue 1675.

Nat, this book is tremendous fun. I keep my copy on a special shelf along with my Complete Peanuts volumes, and I look at it often. As a life-long Peanuts fan, it’s such a treat to see an exploration of the Peanuts phenomenon outside the strip itself, including all the merchandising, animation, ephemera, etc. Really, the average fan would NEVER get a chance to see many of the materials collected here. I particularly enjoy the sketches and drawings that are included. Most of the time we experience Peanuts, the strip, in tiny reproduction, but for those of us who love Schulz’s line, it’s so rare to have an opportunity to see his work in a larger format. The only experience I’ve had that is comparable is seeing some examples of the original art for the strip at the Library of Congress, or at an exhibit I had the good fortune to see at the Musee de la Bande Desinee in Brussels a number of years ago. So, anyway, BRAVO to you Nat. This fan thanks you sincerely for all your hard work! I’ll treasure this book for years to come. —Hans

“It’s the season for gorgeous coffee table and collector books and this is one you don’t want to miss. Perfect for a Peanuts fan or nostalgia buff. It’s a fitting tribute to an American icon.” — A Bookworm’s World

“For those on your list that can’t get enough of Charlie Brown and his precocious posse, The Peanuts Collection is a great gift[…]the book entertains beyond the printed word.” — Chris Kompanek, The Huffington Post

“Overall this was a really great way to reminisce of one of the greatest comic strips that ever existed. It’s a great way to learn the history of the comics, characters and creator and one that fans will want to treasure in the years ahead.” Books, Movies, and Chinese Food

“This is a perfect collection of trivia, interesting history and fun surprises to enjoy and it would make a fantastic gift for the Peanuts lover in your life. ” – The life (and lies) if an inanimate flying object (guest review)

“a proper tribute […] There are some amazing things inside the book […] an incredible reference work behind the most beloved comic strip of all time.” The Graphic Novel Reporter

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