The best Charlie Brown Christmas ever?!?

Today brought me a new book adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas – and this one is not just a new edition that’s only slightly different from a prior one. No, it’s not that it’s an all-new adaptation (it actually reuses all of the text and pieces of the art from the 2008), but it does add a whole new dimension to the adaptation –  it’s a pop-up book!

Charlie Brown spins to address his dancers (yes, including Lucy, who did not dance in the special)

It’s lovely.

It fits into the modern pop-up storybook sensibility: fewer pages, with higher-quality pop-up mechanisms. This is only 5 spreads long but three of the spreads have motion (and one has two side-flaps with smaller pop-ups). I almost missed the motion on the last spread – the first time I pulled out the words to “Hark, the Herald Angel Sings”, I didn’t notice that it caused some of the kids’ heads to bop along as they sang.

It’s not absolutely the best pop-up book I’ve ever seen – the world of pop-ups has come impressively far in the last decade or so – but it is the best Peanuts pop-up yet. List price is just under $23, but at the moment you can trim more than $6 off of that, and yes, it’s now shipping.

This cover was used for the splicitation, and shows up in the online bookstores, but is not the actual cover.
The actual cover of the book has glitter highlights on the snow and on the Christmas tree decorations

And of course the book has been added into The Evergreen, Evergrowing Gallery of A Charlie Brown Christmas Books. It may be the last new one for a whole year! >sniff<

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