Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tales/Is This Goodbye DVD

A while back, I got a tidbit of info indicating that the CVS Pharmacy chain was going to have an exclusive Peanuts DVD, and passed that info to Peanuts video guru Scott McGuire (author of a fine online guide to the specials), who got back to me with the details just as the disc hit stores. This release features two specials, but none of the accompanying featurettes that we’ve seen on more general releases.

The two specials are:

  • Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tales – this is the shortest Peanuts special, existing only to flesh out the unedited A Charlie Brown Christmas to a full broadcast hour, but it’s a good one. It’s a series of short, sweet little pieces adapted from the strip. This special has been released on DVD before (as the “extra” on the original release of  I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown), but has not been available as part of the current DVD line-up (including the recent new version of I Want a Dog for Christmas.)
  • Is This Goodbye, Charlie Brown? – this tale of the Van Pelt family moving away seems a somewhat odd match to Christmas Tales. However, it’s presence does a good thing for Peanuts fans, as this special has not been offered on DVD in the US before.

The price is $12.98. It is not currently available through the CVS website.

Animated Peanuts
We finally know how Charlie Brown did at the Super Bowl!

If you’ve never seen the 1994 Peanuts special You’re in the Super Bowl, Charlie Brown, well, you’re not alone. It aired only in 1994, linked to that year’s Super Bowl, on NBC, which had never before and has never since aired a Peanuts special. It has never been rerun, never …

Animated Peanuts
Free Snoopy Weekend

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Animated Peanuts
RIP Willie Mays

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