Now available for preorder: Complete Peanuts 1975-1976

The Complete Peanuts: 1975-1976, the thirteenth volume in the series, is now available for preorder. This one covers the halfway point of the Peanuts run. The cover of this one will have Peppermint Patty. The foreword is by Robert Smigel, the puppetry hand behind Insult the Comic Dog and the animator behind Saturday Night Live‘s “Saturday TV Funhouse” feature, which is perhaps best known for the Ambiguously Gay Duo. “Saturday TV Funhouse”, which plays off of TV animation, has looked in on Peanuts a few times… and if you have any doubt of Smigel’s affection for Peanuts need only recall the episode where Jesus visits the earth and is saddened by much of the modern world… but is ultimately cheered by watching A Charlie Brown Christmas.

Upcoming releases
A book I’d not expected to resurface

Back in 2011, Schulz’s granddaughter Dena Hodges issued the first two chapters of  a memoir called In the Shadow of the Family Dog. As I noted in my review at the time, the chapter and the description of the project made it clear that the focus was her relationship with …

Upcoming releases
A box of squares

This May, Fantagraphics is collecting the various small square Peanuts books they’ve published into a new box set, Peanuts All Year Round Mini Collection. This includes: A Valentine for Charlie Brown — Valentine’s Day and romance strips Batter-Up Charlie Brown! — baseball strips Waiting for the Great Pumpkin — Halloween …

Upcoming releases
Game Day returns

Back in 2020, Fantagraphics dropped Game Day, a boxed set of sports-themes Peanuts strip reprint paperbackss, as a Costco exclusive. Next June it’s coming back, this time in hardcover and available through the usual sources. Designed as a Father’s Day gift, it should be good for anyone who likes Peanuts …