my favorite time of the year
- By : Nat
- Category : New releases, Now shipping, Reviews
Yes, it is that most special, magical time of year, a time that brings joy to the heart. No, it’s not when a young man’s fancy turns to love. It’s when a middle-aged blogger gets a new book edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas!

It is not, mind you, a new adaptation. The text and pictures are reprined from last year’s new hardcover adaptation. But this 5.5″ square paperback comes bundled with a little tree, about 8 inches high, and an ornament and a blanket so that you can transform this pathetic little tree into… well, the still pathetic little tree. If you want it to be a magical wonderful tree, you have to steal all the prize-winning adornments form someone’s doghouse and then wave your hands around a lot.
This whole set is list priced at just under $15, but if you order it now, you can get it for closer to $11.
For those of you new to The AAUGH Blog, you may not know that we have a complete guide to A Charlie Brown Christmas book adaptations. Now you know. Go. Look.
As long as I’m doing a post I might as well mention the Peanuts character look-a-like contest.