Golf like a dog
- By : Nat
- Category : Classic finds, Reviews
I just added two more pieces to my Peanuts publications pile:

Welcome to Golf is a 32-page self-covered booklet from 1994 covering the basics of golf for the newcomer, not so much the rules as why to golf, where to golf, and how to avoid getting on the nerves of other players when you golf. Most pages have a small Peanuts (generally Snoopy) illustration.
Golf Course Etiquette is a 1997 brochure with 14 captioned drawings explaining points of being a nice golfer. Most of the images here can also be seen in the other booklet. And most of them can also be seen in the 1990 Peanuts book An Educated Slice.
Both the booklet (55 cents) and the brochure (75 cents) can be ordered from the National Golf Foundation… although the cheapness of that is apt to be wiped out by shipping costs (they’re really meant to be selling big piles of these to golf courses, not onesy-twosy to Peanuts nuts). They also have a set of 14 two-color Peanuts golf etiquette posters – all but one the same images in the brochure – for
$20. I made the mistake of getting myself a set – not that it isn’t a good deal, but I’m the Peanuts book guy, I really don’t need a bunch of golf etiquette posters, and the images on these can mostly be seen on the brochures above or in the out-of-print strip collectection An Educated Slice. I may try to just sell them off. Get the money back, use it to buy more book editions of A Charlie Brown Christmas…