Why you’re glad you’re not me

Yes, yes, I gave in. I went and bought a copy of the Hallmark edition of the new A Charlie Brown Christmas book adaptation, even though I already owned the standard bookstore edition.  I’m thinking about doing a picture spread on all the adaptations that have been put out of that special. Yeah, that’s my excuse. It’s not just that I’m a sadly obsessive collector. Really. I passed up the Hallmark Happiness Is A Warm Puppy. For now.

And yes, I thought the differences were just a few Hallmark markings… until I got it home to compare. The Hallmark edition is actually smaller, about an inch on each side. And it uses a rougher paper; the artwork looks better in the standard edition. So if you want this book, take my advice and order the regular edition through Amazon.

(And sadly, the fact that it is smaller and has lesser paper just makes me happier that I bought it, because it means it’s differenter!)

New releases

My grocery shopping today landed me two new Peanuts “books”. The more bookish of the two is the latest edition of The Great Big Book of Peanuts Word Seeks, volume 5 to be precise, which as I’ve mentioned before I’ll allow to qualify as a book… particularly because it not …

New releases
Review lightning roud

I’m a few books behind on reviews, so I’m going to try to kick them out simple and quick. The Big Book of Peanuts: All the Daily Strips from the 1990s is exactly the same in format as the four prior volumes of this series, despite it being distributed differently. …

New releases
The Doctor is a Liar

If you’ve been wondering “where can I find unlikely use of Peanuts imagery?”, the wonder no more! For I am here to tell you that it’s on the cover of Henry & Glenn Comics and Stories. “What is Henry & Glenn Comics and Stories?”, I hear you cry. Why, it’s …