Why you really want a Peanuts calendar…

Usually, I don’t pay that much attention to Peanuts calendars, but someone on the alt.comics.peanuts newsgroup pointed out something that explained why I should be paying attention this year. The Peanuts Day-by-Day Calendar for 2007. Each day of the calendar reprints the strip from the same date in 1990…. which is good news for the Peanuts buff, because 1990 has gone under-reprinted in books. As of Derrick Bang’s count for the Peanuts Collectors Club’s book in 2000, more than half of the strips did not appear in any book. Some have appeared in various books since then, but if you want them all in order (although with the short version of the Sunday strip), then you may want this for your collection.

You can get it here… but in this case, you might want to stop by your local bookstore first. They’re likely blowing out all of their 2007 calendars for half off, so it will be cheaper there.

Now shipping: It’s Your First Crush, Charlie Brown, a 96-page collection of strips focused on The Little Red-Haired Girl. A nice little book for Valentine’s Day. I’m not sure that a collection of unrequited love strips is actually a good romantic gift, mind you, but for those of us who like to reflect on all that might have been, there’s some sweet stuff in here.

New releases

My grocery shopping today landed me two new Peanuts “books”. The more bookish of the two is the latest edition of The Great Big Book of Peanuts Word Seeks, volume 5 to be precise, which as I’ve mentioned before I’ll allow to qualify as a book… particularly because it not …

New releases
Review lightning roud

I’m a few books behind on reviews, so I’m going to try to kick them out simple and quick. The Big Book of Peanuts: All the Daily Strips from the 1990s is exactly the same in format as the four prior volumes of this series, despite it being distributed differently. …

New releases
The Doctor is a Liar

If you’ve been wondering “where can I find unlikely use of Peanuts imagery?”, the wonder no more! For I am here to tell you that it’s on the cover of Henry & Glenn Comics and Stories. “What is Henry & Glenn Comics and Stories?”, I hear you cry. Why, it’s …