German Peanuts tidbits

The AAUGH Blog has readers in a surprising range of places, as an email from Chris in Germany serves to remind me. He weighs in on the German Love is a Book with Seven Seals title, which we had previously discussed here and here, suggesting that the “book with seven seals” idiom is akin to something in America being compared to “a closed book”. He also says

It is a very popular expression in the German language, because the Seven was of great importance in German law and German customs: You needed seven witnesses, there were seven electoral princes, seven alderman and so on. There is also the expression seine sieben Sachen packen (to grasp or pack your seven things).

Apparently over in Germany, the baseball strips are translated so that they seem more like they’re about soccer than baseball. And the mentions of “root beer” are translated as Kräuterbier (herbal beer), suggesting that it’s an actual alcoholic drink being consumed, rather than sweet soda pop.

Thanks for the information, Chris!

Classic finds

I had been lacking books from the Snoopy Museum in Tokyo, so when I saw one one for sale on eBay, I chunked up some money and ordered it. It was a bit more than I like to spend on one book… which is why I was so happy when …

Classic finds
A needle-ssly fine present

Being a) an adult and b) not a Christmasian, it makes sense that I’m not given much in the way of Christmas presents. This year’s haul was just two items, both given by Dr. Mrs. The AAUGH Blogger: a Terry’s Chocolate Orange (yum!), and this Peanuts embroidery book from Japan. …

Classic finds
Enigmatic Snoopy

Sitting here, patiently waiting months for me to blog about it, is Enigmatica di Snoopy e i suoi amici Peanuts, a full-color 48 page puzzle magazine that is apparently issue 66 of the quarterly Italian magazine Gioca Con Noi. This issue, intended for Dicembre – Febbraio 2022, is Christmas-themed. It …