If you’re shopping through AAUGH and want to save a little extra money, here’s what you do: once you click through to an item’s description on Amazon, find that box marked A9 web search over on the left side of the page. Type anything into the field there, then click the Search button. Hit your browser’s back button until your back to AAUGH.com or The AAUGH Blog or wherever you clicked through, and click through on that link again.
What’s happened? You’ve used Amazon’s new search engine, and they’re rewarding you by giving you an extra discount on your purchases, a bit more than a percent and a half. You won’t see it in the prices, but you may see a symbol with the Greek letter pi divided by two up top on the page (the discount percentage is actually half of the mathematical value known as “pi”), or something that says that your A9 instant reward is on.
Presumably, this is for a limited time only.