AAUGH.com Newsletter: Schulz memorial and mor

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Thousands attended a memorial service for Sparky today, and untold more watched it over the Internet. Memories were shared by members of Schulz’s family and his friends. For those of you who didn’t catch it, you can view segments of reminisces by Sparky’s wife and cartoonist Cathy Guisewite online (using RealVideo) at: http://www.pressdemo.com/evergreen/schulz/schulz_video.html
This isn’t the final time people will say goodbye. As I noted last newsletter, expect your comic pages to be stuffed with Schulz-honoring cartoons on May 27th. But we should never say goodbye to his fine work. Perhaps we should each share our books with our kids and young friends, so they can say "hello" to this moving and entertaining body of work.

Alas, more books have sold out since the last newsletter, and we’re waiting for them to come back in print. The shortage has now hit the Peanuts Gang storybooks as well, although some are still available. But there have been some books reappearing. Each of the Peanuts Treasury books have been at least briefly available, in some cases quite briefly. At the moment, we can offer you I Told You So, You Blockhead. This book contains most of the strips from 1992. I’ve been updating the front page of the site daily, to make sure that there are always available books listed there, so head on over to http://AAUGH.com if you want to order I Told You So, You Blockhead (or anything else!)

I Told You So, You Blockhead is part of the Peanuts Treasury, a line of books which many of you may not have seen. They were released last year, and folks who were not looking for new Peanuts books may have missed them. These books are in landscape format, about 5 inches tall and eight inches wide. Each page reprints two dailies; Sunday strips get drawn out over two pages. Each book reprints most of the daily cartoons from a single year (missing about 12 of them) and about a dozen Sunday strips from that year (in black and white), making up 176 pages. There are four volumes released so far: 1991: Now That’s Profound, Charlie Brown 1992: I Told You So, You Blockhead 1993: Dogs Are Worth It 1994: The World is Full of Mondays After years of there being no new sequential Peanuts books (only themed gift books), these were great to see. The cover price is $7.95, but when we have them we usually have them at a discount, of course!
Just a reminder that if you’re looking for books available for immediate shipment, you should check out our second shop. At this point, we have a handful of different gift books and kids story books (plus one of Rabbi Twerski’s self-help books illustrated with Schulz cartoons), all ready to ship and heavily discounted. Head over to http://AAUGH.com and click on ULTRA-Discount Shop toward the lower left.

Well, not a major new look, but it was time to end the black memorial background, as Peanuts books should be a happy thing. Rather than returning to that rather garish yellow background that the site used to have, I’ve changed it to an easier-on-the-eyes beige. I’ve done a few other minor clean-ups that won’t be important to anyone but me. And I’m always open to suggestions.

I’m a big Peanuts book collecting nut, with around 600 different volumes in my collection. In each of these newsletters, I’ll be showcasing one of the rarer or weirder pieces in my collection. This issue, I have a particularly strange one: the only comic strip reprint book that I know of to have been issued by the U.S. Government! SECURITY IS AN EYE PATCH is a booklet reprinting a series of strips from the 1960s in which Sally was dealing with "lazy eye" (amblyopia) by wearing an eye patch. First printed in 1968 and reprinted in 1969, this was made available by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare through the U.S. Government Printing Office. It was distributed through pharmacies, opthalmologist, and other health sources, and was also available via mail order for fifteen cents. The printing is nicely crisp and has held up well.


…why not order some non-Peanuts books as well? After all, the first book is the most expensive one to ship, so this is a good time to take advantage of the discounts of our suppliers. (This is true of both our main AAUGH.com shop and our Ultra-Discount Shop.) There are all sorts of search boxes and links on the pages that you get when you click on any book title. If you’re ordering through the main store, you can order more than just books, so this is a good time to get that software you need, that video you want, that new DVD player, or all sorts of other things. (And by ordering at the same time as your AAUGH.com order, AAUGH.com gets a cut of the money, at no increased charge to you. This may not matter to you, but it sure makes me happy!)

I always love seeing what our Peanuts customers order as long as they’re in the shop. There are a lot of religious books, mainly Christian and Buddhist. Other ordered items include:
*a copy of Microsoft Windows 2000
*Beanie Babies Collectors Journal and Display Case
*How To Read Egyptian Hieroglyphics
*a CD of songs from Ally McBeal
*Lamaze Discovery Book
*The Big Sleep on DVD
*a Sony digital spread spectrum phone
(What’s our best-selling item? Peanuts: A Golden Celebration, of course!)

I’m always interested in hearing what AAUGH.com visitors think. What are your favorite Peanuts books? What disappointed you? Is there something I can do to improve the collector’s guide, the store, or the newsletter? Let me know! Send it to nat@aaugh.com!
–Nat Gertler Proprietor http://AAUGH.com

The real Linus’s real cartooning

Like many Peanuts fans, I knew that the character of Linus was named after Linus Maurer, who worked at Art Instruction alongside Schulz. Like seemingly fewer fans, I knew that Maurer himself had been a syndicated cartoonist… but for some reason I never saw any of his strip before today. …

Campaign Peanuts redux

I don’t normally just repost my blog entries… but this one seems as relevant now as when I first posted it in 2019. Only the word “many” seems dated. Of the many presidential candidates, I think Schulz only mentioned one in Peanuts. which isn’t to say that you can’t find …

I suspect that’s not Schulz

The only thing I have to say about this ad from 1967 is “no”.   40 SHARES Share Tweet this thing Follow the AAUGH Blog