Review: Don’t Give Up, Charlie Brown

book coverDon’t Give Up, Charlie Brown is a gift book of encouraging quotes from famous folks and Peanuts characters. Slickly produced in color and illustrated with dialogueless Peanuts images, this isn’t a book that makes you want to sit down and read it (much less shelling out the $12.99 list price for its 48 pages). It’s a book for leaving on your table for folks to flip through, or for giving someone as a way of showing your encouragement for them.
And it’s not a gift for everyone. Those not of a religious bent may not take to the various quotes that use prayer, faith, and reliance on the Almighty as a source of encouragement… and those who are religious may find the attribution of “The rain falls on the just and the unjust” to Charlie Brown, as opposed to the usual citation of Jesus via Matthew.

No dust jacket on this hardcover, but the slick color cover includes the title in raised lettering. It also includes a picture of Franklin, despite his appearing nowhere on the inside.

Overall, it’s not a Peanuts fan must-have, but it does basically what it’s supposed to do. If that’s something you need, you can get one for $10 at this point.

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