The AAUGH Blogger answers podcast listeners’ and blog readers’ questions in this first of we-expect-there’ll-be-more episode! In this one, he fields questions about Snoopy, censorship, kids saying the darndest things, and more! Send your questions to
Hey, I’m going to avoid my usual “gift certificates are convenient last-minute gifts” speech, and instead steer those with some holes to fill to head down to their local comic book store. Those shops have been having a fairly tough year and could use the business – and boy, have …
So here we are, technically still in the last throes of Hannukah, and with Christmas barreling down upon us and the new year just waiting for it to get out of the way. And I just wanted to thank everyone for another year of being the most important part of …
The AAUGH Blogger gives a behind-the-scene look of the beyond-the-strip Peanuts collection he helped put together.
For those of you what like covers of “Linus & Lucy” – on this past weekend’s Saturday Night Live, the musical guest The Foo Fighters closed the show with a medley that included a nice, hard-rocking take on that song. You can find it online here (you’ll have to watch …
A couple weeks ago a rather huge Snoopy collection was released for the Kindle, and its follow up is coming out this week. The World According to Snoopy Volume One and The World According to Snoopy Volume Two each collect eight Snoopy-centric strip collections, specifically: Volume One – Snoopy the …
Since people reacted so strongly to my noting that the planned Disney/Fox merger would give Disney Fox’s rights to The Peanuts Movie, I thought I would point out one further bit of Dissney/Peanuts linkage it would create: Disney would now own part of Boom! Studios, who through their Kaboom! imprint …
Just a quick note that today’s announced Disney buyout of Fox’s entertainment units snags them just a little more of the Peanuts rights – specifically, the buyout would get them rights to The Peanuts Movie, created by the Fox-owned Blue Sky Studios. (Disney is also the current licensee for certain Peanuts …
On this episode we talk to Sylvia Bernstein, who worked on an interesting set of Peanuts books for the blind back in the 1960s.
Coming next August is Peanuts Cross-Stitch: 15 Easy-to-Follow Patterns Featuring Charlie Brown & Friends, which is a book of cross-stitch patterns – fifteen of them, the be precise – which feature characters from Peanuts, including Charlie Brown, and should be easy to follow. Don’t you love the in-depth detective work I …