At last night’s Eisner Awards, generally considered the biggest awards in the American comics scene, the big thick hardcover strip collection Celebrating Snoopy took home the trophy in the category of “Best Archival Collection/Project – Strips”. Congratulations to the fine folks who put that book together… and to Snoopy himself! And …
Well, my time at Comic-Con is over for the year, but there were two good Peanutsy panels. The first one, covering Peanuts and NASA, I was possibly the last audience member allowed into the very full room. The panelists, including folks from the Schulz Museum, Creative Associates, NASA, and CollectSpace, …
The AAUGH Blogger takes a look at the inobvious 1997 book The Defeasible Pumpkin: An Epiphany in a Pumpkin Patch. It’s Christian apologetics fun! Particularly if you define “fun” very loosely! (The free PDF of the book can be found at this link.)
A panel has been added to the Comic-Con schedule, covering the expanded Peanuts/NASA alliance. Here’s the official description: Discover how cartoonist Charles M. Schulz partnered with NASA to bring everyone’s favorite beagle Snoopy to the moon in this retrospective panel about the history and future of Snoopy in space. The …
In this episode, the Peapodcaster takes a look at The Peapod Thesaurus from the 1970s.
The Peanuts folks have put out a press release announcing a new effort with NASA, the National Air and Space Administration, about their plans to generate new educational content and a school curriculum for teaching about deep space exploration. They say that more details will be released at Comic-Con next week. This …
The San Diego Comic-Con is two weeks today, and the schedule is (slowly) being released. Today it was announced that at noon on Friday will be the panel Peanuts Family Album, which is a discussion of the more minor characters in the strip’s line-up. The panel is run by Andrew Farago, …
The AAUGH Blogger looks at a booklet where the Peanuts characters teach us about… sanitary beverage manufacturing? You betcha!
This year’s exclusives from the Peanuts booth at Comic-con will be exciting to many folks that I know, because the theme is space travel! But making me even more excited is that they finally have an exclusive for me. While I accumulate some Peanuts “stuff”, I try to keep my …
Back in 1977, before his years as a film producer, a young Jack Lechner contacted Charles Schulz, enumerating his disappointments with the then-new film Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown. With Mr. Lechner’s kind permission, here is Schulz’s response.