Here, for your reading delight, is the cover and five story pages from the forthcoming Snoopy: A Beagle of Mars, which ships next month. Click each page to enlarge. Thanks to Boom! Studios for providing these. The book can be preordered here.
I’ve finally picked up n the clues that Blake Scott Ball has a book coming out from Oxford University Press next year, called Charlie Brown’s America: The Popular Politics of Peanuts. This is a version of Dr. Ball’s PhD dissertation, “Charlie Brown’s America: Peanuts and the Politics of Wishy-Washy, 1950–1980″. Ball …
I was zooming through the Internet, looking at jackets of albums with Snoopy-related recordings, the way one does, when I stumbled across this one that I’d not seen before. Alas, it is not the epic crossover battle that the title and cover image suggests, bringing Mary Tourtel’s Rupert Bear out …
I feel a little odd posting this, but since I gave the information that the fires you were hearing about, I thought I’d better update. You remember me telling you that AAUGH Central was 10 miles from the fire? Well, that was the Easy Fire (named for its local, not …
Breath easy (although if you’re around here, not too deeply.) The evacuation zone has been pulled back, the Schulz Museum is now outside of it. As for the AAUGH offices… well, we’re much closer to fires than we were this time yesterday. The Reagan Library is about 10 miles away. …
People have been asking me to keep them updated on the fire in Santa Rosa. I can’t promise to keep this up constantly, but here’s the map at the moment. The fires have definitely been heading toward the museum and surrounding buildings, and are at this point about 4 miles …
It is once again fire season in California, and the main fire of note is in the area where much of the Peanuts work is done. As you’ll see below, the museum is within the evacuation area, and will be closed until, well, at least until it isn’t. It’s toward …
Andrews McMeel has released their thirteenth and latest book in the Peanuts for Kids/AMP! Comics for Kids series (although now neither of those brands appear on the book.) Charlie Brown: All Tied Up is a collection of early-1980s Peanuts strips. It has all of the features that make this series a …
Ever since I’ve been talking about the film strips in the Charlie Brown Career Education Program, people have been asking me to make them available to see. Alas, I cannot upload these, they are copyrighted material… but I have recently gotten into gear and cleared any permissions concerns I had …