So for the third and final day of Free Comic Birth Day, I’ve got a book for you to download with a little actual Schulz… and a little fake Schulz to boot. Back in 1958, a bunch of top newspaper cartoonists got together to create You Don’t See These …
I promised you that one of my three-free-books-per-day-for-three-days efforts today would be Peanuts-adjacent, and here you go: free today is Happiness is a Rat Fink and Unhappiness is a Dirty Dog, a tw0-in-one reprint of Happiness is a Warm Puppy parodies from 1963. These two books, both by the same publisher (Kanrom) …
It’s my birthday, and I’m celebrating by giving you stuff! Today, tomorrow, and Saturday (which was supposed to be Free Comic Book Day until life rescheduled things), I’ll be giving out three different free About Comics books as PDFs each day, and all books will be available through Sunday. For …
We now have a cover for The Peanuts Book, the “visual history of the iconic comic strip” scheduled for September (and available for preorder at the link.) I had a minor professional involvement with this volume, so I’ll stick to my ethics (which involve not reviewing books where I’m involved …
A handmade gift from a friend. Stay safe, everybody!
Scheduled for September is Be More Snoopy. Let me leave the description of it in the hands of DK Publishing, who put out this blurb: A humorous pocket-sized guide to living your best life, inspired by the world’s most iconic daydreaming beagle. A Snoopy-ism a day keeps the blues away. Philosopher, …
If you were reading through the 1965-1966 volume of The Complete Peanuts, this closing panel to the December 6, 1965, you may have paused a bit when you hit the final panel. Now the first reason for a pause, particularly for younger readers, would be the phrase “an ad for men’s …
Jean Schulz and Schulz Museum director Karen Johnson have posted their memories of Harriet Glickman, the woman who suggested to Schulz that he add an African American to the cast. And here you’ll find the interview I did with her for the podcast, recorded in the same home where she’d …
Since so many folks are foregoing April Fool’s Day this year, I thought I’d counter with April Frees Day, giving out free ebooks (from my publishing imprint, About Comics) to give something for people to read. And thus, today only, I’m offering free downloads on three different books, one of …
Harriet Glickman, the woman who had suggested to Charles Schulz that he add an African-American character to the strip and thus inspired the creation of Franklin, passed away this morning. Her death was peaceful, in her sleep, and she had been well prepared for this. I got to know Harriet …