The artist Christo, famed for humongous fabric installations that permeated the landscape or wrapped around large items, has passed away from natural causes at 84. His relevance for Peanuts is that he was not only mentioned in the strip, but he interacted with its world, as he wrapped Snoopy’s doghouse in …
I am reminded from time to time that the Peanuts that is clearly part of the culture is the Peanuts that existed during the first half of the strip’s run…. and that this is true even for people who were not alive at that time. Even if you were born …
We now have a cover image for What Cartooning Really Is, the new collection of old Schulz interviews coming from Fantagraphics. This 300 page 6″x9″ hardcover is slated to ship in October, for your Christmas shopping pleasure, but it can be preordered now.
I have written before about Happiness is a Rat Fink, a 1963 book that parodied Happiness is a Warm Puppy without actually parodying Peanuts itself at all, aping that book’s basic design and concept while focusing on matters that were more adult, more ribald, and more rat finky. Now, I have a …
In dealing with any narrative, and often in dealing with life itself, one can trip over levels of reality. One has to recognize that the following can be very different things: What happened. What someone believes happened. What someone pretends happened. What someone says happened. Charles Schulz’s Peanuts is a …
You can get a free PDF e-book copy of the full-color strip collection Snoopy: Party Animal just for signing up for the AMP Kids (that’s the publisher) newsletter, courtesy of the publisher and the Schulz Museum! Go here.
The piece that I wrote for Hogan’s Alley showing Schulz’s name misspelled in various publications is now available for your free online perusal! Hogan’s Alley is a fun magazine of history and insight on the comics arts. Published about once a year, I’ve been writing for it, well, longer than …
President Trump has announced his pick for the next Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force, and his pick is… Charlie Brown! Charles Q. Brown, Jr., will become the first African-American to hold a Chief of Staff position in any of the U.S. military branches. He is currently …
The fine folks at the currently closed Charles M. Schulz Museum have up a nice page with a few resources for those of you with kids – some at-home learning tools, a couple of activities. And in the midst of this they have Snoopy’s Daily Dozen, which was a collection of …
Occasionally, I flinch hard at some error I see in writing about Peanuts. It’s always tempting to think “people have gotten real sloppy about such things.” Well, I was just doing some research about Happiness is a Warm Puppy, and I ran into this piece of writing from an issue …