A small publisher has just rereleased a couple books from the run of gifty hardcover strip reprints that showed up from Harper Collins in the 1990s. At the moment, it looks like these are available through Barnes & Noble only, at a cheap under-$6 price for these hardcovers. Now available …
Sometime this month, the hardcover graphic novel adaptation of the new direct-to-DVD release Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown will hit the shelves and the mailboxes of the nation at a list price just under $20, but because of its last-minute solicitation, it is not yet available for preorder. …
The latest addition to the AAUGH.com Reference Library is a book we already have a copy of… but in a format we don’t have a copy of. In fact, I’m not sure if we can actually call it a book. It’s a series of square pages with rounded corners, linked …
If you’re one of those folks who likes to order your books from your comic book store, tell them -now- that you want the graphic novel adaptation of Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown, and tell them that it’s listed in “Previews Plus”, and the code is JAN118101. The …
As I noted earlier, comics publisher Boom! had announced that they would have some Peanuts material as part of their new Kaboom imprint… and it’s happening quicker than one might have expected. They just announced that they’ll have a graphic novel adaptation of the new direct-to-DVD special Happiness is a …
Apparenly, United Features Syndicate, who up until quite recently syndicated Peanuts, is basically getting out of comics syndication, turning over those operations to Universal Uclick. UFS brought some of the most successful comics ever to papers; if they hadn’t seen some value in an odd little strip about kids 60-some …
The book adaptation of the upcoming Peanuts direct-to-DVD release Happiness is a Warm Blanket is now shipping. The DVD itself isn’t due out until next month. (But here’s a thought – order them both now, and that will put an order just over $25, thus qualifying you for free super-saver …
For those of you in Southern California: I’ve agreed to be a Guest at the Wizard World Anaheim comic con, April 29-May 1. I’m not yet positive that I’ll be there all three days. I’ll have copies of The Peanuts Collection, It’s Only a Game, and Schulz’s Youth, as well …
The comic book publisher Boom! has announced that as part of their kids line (until recently called Boom! Kids, now called Kaboom), they’re going to be doing some Peanuts comic books. They haven’t announced details yet, and I’m not positive what it is… but I have my suspicions, and will …
Making me happy in yesterday’s mail was this book: This is a 1976 Japanese paperback translation of the book adaptation of Charlie Brown’s All-Stars. Now, while the English version is one of my favorite adaptation (as it has original Charles Schulz art) ,this book shouldn’t make me too happy. After …