We’ve got the covers for the Peanuts books coming this fall from Fantagraphics: There’s The Complete Peanuts 1985-1986: andThe Complete Peanuts 1983-1986 boxed set: and the one that makes the little AAUGH Blogger extra-happy, the little gift book I’ve wanted to put together for years, Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking: All …
While I was being corrected on the status of It’s Tokyo, Charlie Brown (and boy, did I not just end up with egg on my face there, I ended up with AAUGH on my face!), my inside source did let me in on some better information, and that’s about the …
I’ve been contacted by a friend within the Peanuts organization, letting me know that despite what I posted earlier, It’s Tokyo, Charlie Brown is not in production as an animated release. At this point, it is coming out only as an original graphic novel. You readers and everyone at Peanuts …
Well, it’s only April, but you can already preorder the Peanuts Christmas Advent Calendar, and get it in June… just in time for Christmas-in-July! Please note that this is Peanuts Christmas, not A Charlie Brown Christmas, which is a licensing matter. But it’s not really about A Charlie Brown Christmas, …
Coming in November, in time for gift giving (or gift requesting!) is The Art and Making of Peanuts Animation, a 160-page hardcover from Chronicle Books. It’s written by Charles Solomon, who has written several earlier significant books on animation. It ain’t cheap, but I’m betting it’ll be purty.
MAJOR CORRECTION: (APRIL 12, 2012) THE POST BELOW WAS IN ERROR. IT’S TOKYO WILL BE AN ORIGINAL GRAPHIC NOVEL; IT IS NOT IN PRODUCTION AS AN ANIMATED VIDEO. See here for details. Coming this November is a new Peanuts animated special, direct-to-video… and the book adaptation to go with it! …
For folks with Kindles or Kindle software, here’s an ebook that is currently free (not sure if that’s a permanent thing): Twelve Guys Named Charles: Valuable lessons and inspiration from a dozen of history’s “Chucks”. This is a set of brief biographies around people who happen to have the same …
Today’s Peanuts-related reading was To M*A*S*H and Back, the 2009 autobiography of actor Gary Burghoff. While best known for portraying Radar O’Reilly in the film M*A*S*H and the TV show M*A*S*H and the TV show AfterM*A*S*H and the never-picked-up-for-a-series TV pilot W*A*L*T*E*R, the part of the book that I wanted …
Just out, and available for immediate order, is Bridge Mix, a collection of the bridge-related cartoons from “It’s Only a Game”, Schulz’s single-panel feature from the late 1950s. Who’s the publisher? About Comics. That’s me. To make it clear: if you have the It’s Only a Game collection that I …
As you may know, there have indeed been book adaptations of A Charlie Brown Christmas, starting with the Dale Hale drawn hardcover that was published by the World Press in 1965, when the special first aired. The first printing of that bears the phrase First Printing 1965 on the copyright …