I stumbled across this Mo Willems doodles of his Gerald & Piggie characters as Charlie Brown and Lucy. We here at the AAUGH Blog are big fans of Willems’s serieses of Pigeon (the first one may be the finest comic book yet this century), Elephant & Piggie, and Knuffle Bunny… …
At the moment, you can preorder The Art And Making of Peanuts Animation for $20.83, which is a pretty steep discount for a $40 book… and remember that if the price goes down at any time between now and when the book ships this fall, you’ll get that lower price. …
I love writing headlines that sound like they came from a random word generator. Anyway, here is the cover for the next edition of the It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown adaptation, this one with buttons to push for sound and music. Preorder it now, get it next January, in …
I had a good time at the L.A. Times Festival of Books – really, I was showing people books and taking people’s money, and those are both things I love to do. I’d like to thank everyone who stopped by – oh, and AAUGH Blog reader Pat? I think I …
Well, day one of the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books is over. Things are going well. And I sold one copy of The Peanuts Collection to a very special guest: Recognize that boy? No? Of course you wouldn’t. But if he spoke, you might. Young Gabe is the current …
A final reminder that I will be at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books on the USC campus tomorrow and Sunday, in booth 860 (the CAPS booth). Stop by, say hi. I’ll have lots of books – plenty of copies of The Peanuts Collection (if you don’t have that), …
Cider Mill Press, which has already reprinted in the 1960s Peanuts book Love is Walking Hand in Hand, so doing it again… and upping the love intensity! That’s right! If the preview image is correct, you will have a Valentine’s Dayish color scheme, instead of the old version, which invoked …
Sometimes I use this blog to tell you information that is interesting… dare I believe, at times even fascinating? But this time, I’m just telling you that the Snoopy Dog Biscuits Cookbook kit has been moved up from December to mid-October,. You’ll have time to make Peanuts character-shaped dog biscuits …
For those in the Greater Los Angeles Area (which is so much better than the Lesser Los Angeles Area) really should come by the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books this coming weekend, April 21-22, at USC. Admission is free (though parking, alas, is not), and there will be plenty …
Elsewhere, Peanuts animation expert Scott McGuire points out that Derrick Bang (who you may know as the editor of the It’s Only a Game and Li’l Folks collections, the author of 50 Years of Happiness and the co-author of Security Blankets) has put out Vince Guaraldi at the Piano, a …