For folks who care about numbering: as you’ve probably noticed, the Peanuts comic books from Kaboom started with a run of issues 0 through 4, then after a gap on the schedule restarted with volume 2, #1-4 as monthly installments. Well, they won’t be restarting for Volume 3 anytime soon. …
I get no kickback on this, but I figure that some of you might like this good deal on a pop-up edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas, just $5.08 including free shipping. (Please note that this is an earlier pop-up edition, and not the pop-up-and-sound-button edition I reviewed recently.)
Cider Mill Press had befuddled me a bit by their listing of a new edition of Christmas is Together-Time, one of the pics-and-adages books from the 1960s (a la Happiness is a Warm Puppy), which they described various as a “cloth edition” and a “ragbk edition”. Both of those things …
Now available for preorder is The Complete Peanuts volume 19: 1987-1988. The book can now be ordered at full list price of $28.99 – which is a good thing. Why? Because in my experience with Amazon, if you preorder something that costs more than $25, and the price dips before …
Rather than reviewing the Peanuts comic book that is released tomorrow, here is the first few pages for you to judge for yourself! (Click any image to enlarge.)
I now have in my grimy little paws Snoopy’s Organic Dog Biscuit Cookbook Kit, a just-released set of a book and three biscuit-cutters. And I have a number of things to note about it: While the cover says that the book is by “Snoopy and the Bubba Rose Biscuit Company” …
Apparently, there are now so many book adaptations of A Charlie Brown Christmas that they have to come up with new names to distinguish them, at least judging by the new book A Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. Despite the different title, this is actually this year’s Hallmark entry in the …
I’ve been thinking about the newly-announced Peanuts film and what it will all mean for those of us in the Peanuts fan/Peanuts stuff-buying community. Here are some quick thoughts: This will not be a minor film. This is coming from Blue Sky Productions, who have so far released seven movies, …
The L.A. Times is reporting that a deal has been struck between the Peanuts rightsholders and 20th Century Fox for a new Peanuts theatrical release. The high points: 2015 release date, so don’t start popping the popcorn yet. Cowritten by two Schulzes (son Craig and grandson Bryan) with Cornelius Uliano …