This far from the top of the list, I’m still willing to include books that I like for snarky rather than pure and noble reasons. For example, there’s this coloring book that I found the other day in the dollar bin at the local Target . The packet that it …
Remaindered copies of a hardcover edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas are available for $7.98, 60% off the original list. (I had messed up this link earlier to point to unremaindered, more expensive copies. This has now been fixed.)
The second reveal on the advent calendar is Fröhliche Weihnachten, It may look like a violation of the no-adaptions-of-A-Charlie-Brown-Christmas rule, but it’s not. It’s a strip reprint. And boy, isn’t that cover pretty! The sky is shiny, shiny gold. It could only be more Christmassy if the cover also had …
To celebrate the release of Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking, I am starting this advent calendar. Each day I will be posting about one Christmas-related Peanuts book – but only one that is not an adaptation of the TV special A Charlie Brown Christmas, because the dozens of those would simply …
With my publisher hat on, I’m in a bit of a conundrum. Without going into the details of the contract, I’ve got two books that I have the right to publish, but that I really don’t have the clear right to sell through the usual means… I can only really …
Okay, I haven’t reviewed Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking because I’m hardly objective on it. But in the interest of providing you with pure, objective analysis, I should point out that the Christian Science Monitor called it “the perfect gift book for the holidays” and that the “design of the book …
I’m sitting here in the jury duty waiting room, doing my small part to bring justice to the lawless of Ventura County, and thought I’d catch up on something – particularly since animated Peanuts are on my mind (tonight is the season’s first showing of A Charlie Brown Christmas). And …
Recently added to the Reference Library are a couple of magazines added primarily for their covers. Courtesy of AAUGH Blog reader Scott comes this puzzle magazine which you should still be able to find on the stands, includingA Charlie Brown Christmas within a pantheon of beloved Christmastime entertainment. And …
I’m happy and proud to see that Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking, the book I compiled for Fantagraphics, has made gift suggestion lists at both the L.A. Times and the Comics Reporter.
The folks who publish the Peanuts comic books are doing some sales for Black Friday through Cyber Monday, so that would be a good time to snatch some stuff up, particularly if you want some of those rarer Peanuts covers. Here’s the announcement: November 22, 2012 – Los Angeles – …