I like the coloring book Christmas Joy Is… because it doesn’t just settle for giving kids stock images to color, as so many coloring books these days do. It’s a thing to be read; in this case, if it wasn’t a coloring book, it would be a gift book on …
Sally’s Christmas Miracle is a kids’ storybook adapted from a strip story – the one where Sally manages to score a Christmas tree. The story is somewhat slight, which is true of the strips it’s adapted from, but hey, tree hunting is a good subject!
This 32 page booklet for 2004 is 2.75 inches square, with Christmas-themed Peanuts strips reprinted in color, plus Christmas-oriented quotes. It came as part of a boxed gift set, a stocking stuffer of sorts. It gets some love from me despite being such a small item because of the title, …
The latest addition to the AAUGH.com Reference Library is Insuperabilis Snupius, a tall-but-short (48 pages), full-color reprint of daily strips… in Latin. Published in 1984 by the European Language Institute (an Italian publishing house that puts out mainly educational materials), this hardcover includes one nice touch that I always like …
The little board book Snoopy: No Home for Christmas (published by UK publisher Ravette in 1991) packs a little extra Christmassy punch because it’s about someone (in this case, Woodstock) who has no place to stay. Will he find room at the inn?
The cover of Peanuts Collectible Ornaments may not look very Christmassy, but inside? Page after full-color page with pictures of every Peanuts Christmas ornament produced through 2005. For those of you whose Christmas decorations tend toward the Peanutsy, this will help you identifying the things you have and lust after …
Up for auction is Schulz’s correspondence with a woman he was enamored of, including a variety of gag sketches done for her, both Peanuts and non. This goes with my instinct to find every little piece of Schulzwork; in the wake of the release of Christmas Stocking, I’ve been joking …
December 5: The Peanuts Christmas Coloring Book The thing that draws me to 1979’s The Peanuts Christmas Coloring Book is the cover. Only Charlie Brown could find that his pile of presents is nothing but empty boxes and a used dog…
Today’s step on the way to the top of the Peanuts Christmas list is Friends Are a Special Part of Christmas, a 1981 saddle-stitched paperback, which offers “Holiday poems featuring Charlie Brown and his friends”. Well, the poems are cut with lyrics from traditional (read: public domain) carols, but there …
The Phoenix New Times hit me up for what I thought would be a coupe pithy quotes about Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking. Instead it ended up being a much longer piece with lots of comment from me. Go read!